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Ok, since my last thread got deleted, because I used censored curse words/and/or badmouthed the kids...


I've stayed at FW, WL, Contemporary, FQ, Riverside, and POLY...

I only stay at Deluxe Resorts or above if I get a great AP discount... so thats out of the question unless I get a room for cheap..... so

I just got back from 2 nights a piece at FQ and Riverside, dreadful experience, because of the below...

1.) Brats ruin my WDW experience

2.) Dumb parents who can't tend to their own kids ruin my WDW experience

3.) I'm 26, my g/f is 23... we're not old farts or anything, but all we want is for people to be as respectful as we are... which is.... we're NORMAL!

So when we're guests, there is no banging the walls, no YELLING in our rooms, no playing obnoxiously loud music, no going outside of the room for conversation right next to our neighbor's door, no letting the door slam with the dead bolt out to keep the door ajar and make a loud bang, no stomping around in a floor above the first floor.... etc... yeah so, we're not jerks, and thats all we ask of others... but thats obviously too much to ask of some people.... so

So, if anyone could give me some suggestions on anyplace I could stay to remedy my dilemma, it'd be greatly appreciated... in WDW or not... I don't really care at this point... I'm clearly going to STRONGLY consider Mona Lisa and Gaylord next time, because I made the mistake of not staying there this time... I always rent a car... so thats not a problem....

thanks in advance!

and honestly, I'm not nitpicking here, this is the FIRST time ever I've had a problem... and they just happen to both happen at PO... never had a problem with crummy people next to us before....

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