In one word: CERN.
In a couple of words: Haydron Collider.
In a few words: CERN Haydron Super Collider.
Imagine being shrunk down to the size of a sub atomic particle and then sent speeding down a giant centrifuge until you've gained speeds close that that of light and BOOM! - a collision of epic proportions!
Centrifuge, like Mission: Space
Immersive OmniMax 3D screen, like Horizons but in 3D
The attraction would be fun, as well as educational, as it would also teach particle physics in a fun, immersive way.
In a couple of words: Haydron Collider.
In a few words: CERN Haydron Super Collider.
Imagine being shrunk down to the size of a sub atomic particle and then sent speeding down a giant centrifuge until you've gained speeds close that that of light and BOOM! - a collision of epic proportions!
Centrifuge, like Mission: Space
Immersive OmniMax 3D screen, like Horizons but in 3D
The attraction would be fun, as well as educational, as it would also teach particle physics in a fun, immersive way.