Hi, I am a huge Madline ELengle fan and did watch it yesterday. Funny becuase I remember previews and trailers that WIT was coming like 2 years ago, and they finally came out with it. I wasn't sure at 1st about it. When TDC did "a Ring of Endless Light". (this was my favorite book as a youth, I must of read it 10 times.) They caught many things from it (Like the older brother) and took a few liberities with "new age" stuff. All in all it was ok, but the acting was a little week.
However I was impressed with the job they did with WIT. I really liked the casting, very fitting for each chartor. I haven't read the book in at least 15 if not 20 years so I don't rememeber how close the followed it, but it seemed like they did.
I didn't tape it (it also was interuprted due to storms here.) and I wanted my niece to see it. I am thinking it will come out on DVD, they spent the money to make it and many made for T.V. specials do end up on viedo or DVD now a days, or at least TDC will be reshowing it at some point.
If they do it is worth wachting.