Trip Report A Friend-iversary to Remember!!!!

I'm FINALLY ready to start my trip report! It's been almost a month since we got back, but life is crazy. I work 2 jobs, and my family is moving next week, so finding downtime is really hard lately lol. But I found time! woot woot

If you want to read my PTR here it is

Now lets get this show on the road......

Day 1 part 1:

I woke up before my alarm for once, it was set for 6:15, I was up before 6. Which was kinda crazy seeing as I didnt go to sleep until 3 am. I worked until midnight that night and still hadn't packed or finished our shirts. I was actually scared I was going to sleep past my alarm. But luckily excitement got me up!

I still had a few more things to pack and get ready, so I got that done. Texted Daniel to make sure he was up (he has a habit of NEVER being on time so I had to check), he replied really fast and said he was on his way.

He got to my house around 7:15, helped me get my stuff in the car. And we were off!!!!!


Only Disney could have us this awake this early

Now Daniel knew I only had 3 hours(ish) of sleep, and here is one of the many reasons why I love my best friend....


He got me my favorite coffee, and a large haha, just to make sure I would survive our long day.

We got on the Turnpike and we were on our way. I was the DJ with Daniel's Ipod ( which has a majority of my music on it anyway) and we were jammin out to Broadway and Disney music (we're musical theatre majors in college haha)

To explain this next picture, my absolute favorite Disney character is Ariel, always has been. I also work for the hockey team down here on their energy team. My boss asked me to dye my hair red for the hockey season. I mean, how could I say no? I'd get to have Ariel hair!! :P So 2 days before we left I dyed my hair RED. And the sun coming up was making it look really really red so I had to take a picture :)


Ariel Hair :)

Before we knew it, we were halfway there already (it only takes us about 3 and a half hours to get there) so we stopped off at Cracker Barrel for breakfast. It's a tradition we have.

I'm not a huge breakfast person, so I didn't get much. My main thing was I needed tea. In the car my voice just kind of disappeared, so I needed to take care of that.


I had the hashbrown casserole, with apples and a biscuit. I didn't even finish this. I usually just skip breakfast anyway

Both the waitress and the hostess commented on my tattoo and asked if we were going there, then asked if we could kidnap them and hid them in my bag. We said Of course!

Oh! No one on here knows what my tattoo is haha, here's a picture
I got it in June and absolutely love it, it is by far the tattoo that means the most to me :) And I got a lot of compliments on it this trip

Back to the trip! haha

We were done eating, paid and were ready to leave. We went to the bathroom first. When Daniel came out, he was dying of laughter. I asked him why and he handed me his phone, while in the bathroom he saw this and thought it was the funniest thing


So now the joke of the trip was check for air fresheners on all the urinals.. I promise you we can be mature haha

Now comes to the point in the trip where I have no pictures, So I will try to sum it all up :)

We reached Osceola parkway and got off the turnpike. We stopped at the Wells Fargo So I could get some money out. It was about 11:45. We figured lets go to the hotel and see if our room is ready. The hotel is only 3 miles away from WDW main gate.

Google maps was having some major problems that day apparently. We followed it's directions and it told us our hotel was on the left side of the road.... we couldnt find it. Then it told us it was farther down so we drove. As soon as we passed the last light before you got on I 4, it told us we needed to make a u turn. Which was impossible. So we ended up somehow at Hollywood Studios..... We still have NO idea how. But we did.

The CM laughed at us when we asked how to get back. She sent us on our way and we finally made it back to 192. I gave up on google maps and just looked for myself... Our hotel was NOWHERE TO BE FOUND. I knew the sign was blue, So I kept looking. FINALLY I saw it... behind another sign. Oh my gosh at this point I was so over staying off property. I was ready to go to an All Star and say "HELP ME"

We went into the lobby and checked in. Well Expedia said you could be 18 to check in here, you had to be 21... Well I showed them my reservation and argued that it wasn't my fault the information was wrong. So they said it was fine but I had to leave a $50 deposit... I didn't take much money out of the bank, so that would leave me with little cash. Just my debit card. I was so irritated that I didnt care. I left it.

The first good thing happened next, our room was ready, thank GOD. The hotel was a lot bigger than we expected. It had 5 buildings with 5 stories each.

We got to our building and stood outside our door. We held our breath as I put the key in. We were praying it was just clean. Thats all that mattered. We opened the door and were pleasantly surprised. The room was very clean. Daniel checked the sheets and the beds, we were good.

It wasn't a Disney Resort, but we were ok with it for the price.

We changed, unpacked, grabbed our stuff and were off to DTD...

That's all I can do for now, I'll write more tonight!


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Day 1 Part 2:

When I last left off Daniel and I were in the car on the way to DTD...

Well, we arrived at Downtown and got a PRIME parking spot. Front row, right by World Of Disney! SCORE!! We jumped out of the car and just stopped for a minute and soaked in where we were, we were home.

Our "we're home" faces

So we hurried our butts over to the nearest bus stop. We cut through the Christmas store. And just our luck, a PO bus had just pulled up. We hopped on and were off!

While on the bus, Daniel said that he had figured out a new face he could do and wanted to show me... well lets just say we had a good 10 minute laugh attack over it


Daniel's Grumpy Cat face!!!!!! :PP

I definitely love that face haha.

Soo, we were on the bus to PO, we got off at the first stop and waited for a bus to AK, luckily we only had to wait about 20 seconds until one pulled up. We hopped on. Now I know I can't really complain because we did stay off property, but we had the SLOWEST bus driver I have ever encountered at WDW. There's a difference between slow and safe. He was just slow. We got on the bus at around 1 pm.

We didn't leave PO until 1:30. Then we of course stopped at Blizzard Beach. Well, we didnt get there until after 2 pm. There was no traffic, but somehow it took us half an hour... we didn't get into the AK gate until almost 2:30... it was a little ridiculous if you ask me.... But whatever we made it there lol

We walked into Guest Relations and got our "I'm celebrating" pins, they laughed at what we wanted but once we figured out how to spell it, we got our Friendiversary pins! We then went on towards the tree!


I really like this picture that I took, the sky looks cool :)

Before we left for this trip, Daniel told me something I didn't believe. That he had never seen FOTLK!!! I almost died. So our first mission was to go see that, and there was a show starting in 5 minutes, So off we ran!

We made it with a few minutes to spare, so of course we took some pictures

We rarely ever take pictures with normal faces, so get use to it haha

Here are some pictures of the show




My favorite guys!

So Daniel LOVED the show (I knew he would) and we squeezed our way through the crowd and made our way out into Camp Minnie Mickey. We made a list of characters we had to meet before we went on this trip and Pocahontas was on that list and we knew she met over there so we went to look for her..

We found her line and were told we had 15 minutes, so we hung out. Daniel was hungry and got a hot dog from the stand near there, we weren't impressed. For $8, it wasn't worth it. It was a tiny hot dog and a bag of chips... Now we know for future reference haha.

Well we finished and got in Poco's line. It took us about 10 minutes to get up to her. When we walked up she made a comment that I got a lot this trip, that I was more than ok with!! That I had hair like her friend Ariel.


Blurry faces haha


My only problem I had with this face character, was she was very pale.. you can't tell in the picture, but she was only a few shades darker than me. She didn't really look like pocohantas. But that's just me being picky.

We met poco and were off to play with some dino's



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Day 1, Part 3:

When I left off, we had just met Poco and we were off to hang with some Dinos

Welllll..... we walked over to Dinoland and decided we wanted to go on Dinosaur. On the way there, we saw 2 guys infront of us holding hands. Well let me tell you about me, I'm a musical theatre major in college, I've been doing theatre for years. And my parents always taught me that love is love no matter what gender, race, or age, so I am all for same sex marriage and stuff like that. So whenever I see a couple, it makes me happy. So Daniel pointed it out. I was like aww yay! They were a little faster than we were and disappeared from our view haha

We got in line for Dinosaur, the wait time said 10 minutes, but we walked right into the pre-ride video and it started right away... 10 minutes my butt....

I was standing in the corning obnoxiously saying all the words to the video quietly to myself of course haha. When it was over we all turned and went to leave. I saw the same couple from before, but now I saw their faces. I knew them! I did theatre with one of them, and went to high school with him. So I grabbed Daniel and was like "WAIT. JEREMY?!?!?!"

He saw me and flipped out, we havent seen each other in years. We waited for the crowd to leave and he jumped on me. He introduced me to his boyfriend and we all decided since we made a group of 4, we'll ride together

Daniel and I laughed the whole ride like we do on EVERYTHING. And figured out what poses we would do for the picture. Well I did something that I would end up doing on every ride's picture from now on


We're in the back row, Daniel was a T-Rex haha, and I played with my hair :p Jeremy was next to me and Gibby next to him

We got off the ride, all jostled around. Daniel and I said we wanted to ride EE. Well so did they, so off we went to Asia. We passed by Nemo and I was sad cause we didn't have time this trip to see it but, next trip totally gonna see it.

I really like this picture :)

We got up to EE and we walked to the single rider line (the wait was 30, not bad, but we were running really late, we had plans to go back to the room and get ready for the Unleash the Villains event that night, it was already 4.) When Jeremy said we could go in FP, well we didn't have any. Turns out Jeremy tore his ACL the month before and his doctor told him he can't stand for long periods of time, so he had one of those cards, I dont know what they're called haha. And we were let into the FP line. It was cool. But I definitely see why people get mad about it. People who aren't really injured or have special needs can just skip the line. Jeremy was actually injured haha. He had multiple doctor's notes for it. But yeah

We went on twice and screamed our heads off, Daniel and I laughed more than anything. Here's our picture from the first ride

We're in the back of the car. And like I said, me playing with my hair for pictures became a regular thing here haha.

Jeremy and Gibby wanted to ride it again, but we were so late already. We still had to take a bus back to DTD, then drive back to the hotel to get ready. We wanted to go at 6 to Unleash the VIllains, but it didn't look like t hat was going to happen. Guess we will find out..

We had something we really wanted to do this trip, take pictures in front of all the symbols for each park. So on the way out, we stopped to take some TOL pics :)




This is my favorite :)

So luckily, Disney was testing out a new bus route for a direct bus from AK to DTD, and it was there when we got there! So we hopped on and were off to DTD.

It took us so much less time than on the way there. The only downside, was that it drops you off all the way over on West Side by Cirque Di Solei... so we had a pretty far walk, but whatever. We speed walked to the car.

But of course, I took some pics while walking


By the time we made it to the car, it was almost 5pm, which wasn't good, we were planning on having dinner at Beaches and Cream before the event, that didnt seem like it was gonna happen. We got back to the room and I did my hair the fastest I think I've ever done it...

We were Disneybounding that night, so we had outfits we wanted to wear, me as Urusla, and Daniel as Gaston.

We left the hotel around 5:45, and were off to HS.... Would we make it??? You'll have to wait and see....

UP NEXT: The worst planning I've ever seen from Disney....


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Sorry it's been so long! My family moved this past saturday. Which was ridiculous. I'm so over boxes and crap. And on top of that, hockey season started and I work for the Panthers. So my life has been a hurricane of crazy. But, I'm back. I need to finish this TR by the 27th though, cause we leave for our next trip that morning haha

Day 1, Part 4( I think):

When I left off, we were on our way to the Unleash the Villains event. We entered WDW and were greeted by this beauty

We were so excited, we were gonna have a night full of villains and fun!

So.... here comes the rant.............

I don't think Disney realizes how popular their villains actually are. They think everyone only cares for the Princesses. Well you can meet the princesses any day you want. The villains are rare. Disney didn't expect this event to be as huge as it was. Daniel and I tried to enter from the entrance by Boardwalk and stuff. Well we were stopped in traffic all the way down by DTD.... The on ramps were backed up for miles....


You can't tell, but it was ridiculous.

We waited for over an hour and made it less than 1 mile... I was ed. We planned our whole trip around this event. I hadnt seen any police to direct traffic or anything. I called the WDW number to see if they were going to send backup haha. I waited on hold for another hour. Which didn't really matter because we weren't moving. We made it up to the Fire house on Victory way I think. And FINALLY someone answered. They had no idea about what was going on, so she linked me to transportation. Well I just told them that it was a little ridiculous. And that planning should have been better. The lady I spoke to was completely rude. She told me that yeah they knew. And there wasn't much they could do about it. Then hung up on me..... Not very Disney-like at all.

Well at that point I didn't care what happened I was ed and so was Daniel. We understood that it wasn't Disney's fault that so many people showed up, but they should have been prepared. They weren't and that's what upset me the most, and how I was treated on the phone. Finally 3 hours later, we made it up to the entrance for HS, and Daniel and I decided that it wasn't worth it. I have anxiety issues and I know that if the park was at capacity I would freak out on someone. And Daniel knew he wouldn't have fun either. So we opted to go to Beaches and Cream. For our favorite meal on property

The CM's sympathized with us and got us a table in about 5 minutes, even though it was packed. We waited over in the arcade

All dressed up and no where to go...

You can't really see it, but he's Gaston

And I'm Ursula

We were seated at the counter. We were really bummed but we just kept telling ourselves that we were at WDW and were gonna have a fun weekend

Sad faces :(

About 5 minutes after we sat down, this beauty was placed in front of each of us

6 cheese grilled cheese and tomato bisque...

I'm almost positive I talk about this in every TR I write. It's amazing!!!! It's our favorite meal at WDW

They made us feel so much better

Daniel got some orange milkshake, ewwww I hate orange :P


I got chocolate

We were feeling somewhat better. We kept telling ourselves that we wouldnt have had fun in the huge crowd. We hopped back in the car and decided to go Mini golfing at Winter Summerland.

While waiting at the light, I decided to check Instagram for some updates on the Villians... I should have never done that. I found out that the Villain Daniel and I prayed would be there, had just came out... Oogie Boogie from the Nightmare Before Christmas..........

He had never made an appearance at the parks ever before.... That definitely bummed us out more. But we knew we'd have fun golfing!!

So off we went!!!!!!!!!1



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I love how you have your first day in parts! Sorry about the Villian mess :(

Thanks! It helps me remember everything better seeing as I didn't take notes this time haha. And it's easier for me. I write shorter parts other than a long one for a whole day, its easier cause of my schedule with my jobs and stuff.

and thanks :) It's ok. I'm pretty sure they'll do it again seeing how popular it was this time


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Day 1, Part 5:

We left Yacht and Beach club and we're trying to get to Blizzard Beach to go Mini Golfing. Well the line for HS was still ridiculous... and it was almost 10 pm....


Yeah, so glad we didn't go in.... I would have killed someone... lol

After a short drive, we made it!

This is definitely my favorite Mini golf course on Disney property. Only because it has a hockey hole on the winter side.. haha

My family is obsessed with hockey almost as much as we are with Disney. I work for the Panthers, and we go to almost every game. And have since I was little. So I kept telling Daniel we had to do the Winter side. He had never been here so he didn't care.


Daniel was really excited and was way ahead of me... haha

We got there and found a bunch of people who had the same problem we did with Unleash the Villains... Somehow we all ended up at Winter Summerland haha.

We had about a 30 minute wait because the Winter side was being refurbished :'( It's ok, Daniel had never been here and wanted to so we stayed to do the Summer side

We met some really cool CM's who were there on the College Program, which is what Daniel and I wanna do. So we stayed and talked to them while we were waiting. We talked about how little the Princesses eat (haha) and how while Fantasyland was being built, a bunch of the Ariel's had to play Fur characters and put on weight so when it reopened they couldn't be Ariel. I thought that was interesting

Eventually it was our turn. We picked golf balls to match our outfits. And we were off!!

We had one little problem... there were only 2 of us, ahead of us was a family of 6..... They were taking forever to finish a hole, and we would be done in no time. So we messed around and took pictures


Daniel's new way to golf... :p


I really liked the diving board :) haha

Eventually the family let us go ahead of them.. THANK GOD.

We found a hole that described us perfectly.. we had shirts that I made for the next day and they said short and tall best friend. Well we found a Donald and Goofy hole. They're pretty much us with the height differences haha




And short haha

Now, this next hole has a back story to it...

Every time we golf here, I hit the ball way too hard and it bounces everywhere, no matter how soft I hit it, its too hard... lol One time I hit my dad with it... So Daniel did this...


He hid and gave me some words of encouragement... "Shake your butt Jessica!!!" No idea why, but he thinks it would help haha.. So I did it, and low and behold, It went through the loop without a problem!! Woot Woot :p:joyfull:

We finished the game and got back in the car. I tallied up the scores, and I won :))) yayyyyy.

We got back to the hotel and took showers and relaxed.. We had a long day ahead of us tomorrow.


Daniel was finally starting to feel the exhaustion...

We crawled into our beds and passed out. We had alarms set for 7 the next morning and it was already midnight. Off to Disney dreamland we went!

UP NEXT: American Idols???


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Day 2, Part 1:

My alarm went off at 7 am.. I stayed right where I was in bed haha. I knew eventually Daniel would get up and turn it off for me. :P Turns out I know my best friend too well. He got up and threw my phone at me. Success!

Now I am the worst person in the morning, doesnt matter if I'm at Disney or not. I hate waking up. Especially since I worked til 2 am Thurs. night and left at 7 am Friday morning. I was on about 11 hours of sleep for the last 2 nights. So Daniel did what any best friend would do... HE OPENED THE CURTAINS

I could have killed him. I was blinded by the light while he sang "At last I see the light" From Tangled.

I slowly made my way out of bed and started to get ready. We were going to HS that morning to audition for American Idol. We got on our matching t shirts and took a few mirror selfies


The fronts of our shirts :)

So luckily, right next to our hotel was a Starbucks. We each got a coffee to warm up our voices haha. Now, Daniel and I have really common easy names... apparently not to the girl at Starbucks.... This is how she spelled my name

Hmmm..... try again haha


So Daniel is now Danile, and I am Jessikka.. Cray cray

We got to HS around 8:45 and had a few minutes until park opening, so we took some pictures

Daniel sent this to my mom and said "Look Jessica finally went to college!" I took a year off because of money issues, and my family likes to tease me about it. lol


The photographer told us to rawr, this is the best they got from me haha.

We got in the park, we had our deal to take a picture in front of each icon, so up to the hat we went!

This photographer was awesome! He loved our shirts and wanted to show them off as much as possible


Daniel looks so happy :D haha

Of course we had to show off the backs

Now for my favorite picture...

While we were taking pictures, Daniel asked him to take one on his phone and he did. Little did we know, he took another picture while we were posing. Daniel found this one once we got home..


Up next, we checked wait times, TOT was only 13, so we had to hop on before we auditioned


We're in the front, this is the only picture I didn't play with my hair haha. We look so excited!

After we got off, we walked over to American Idol and said we wanted to audition. They put us in a room together with the same producer and we sang our hearts out... Did we make it? I don't know, you'll just have to wait to find out........

UP NEXT: You're not going to Hollywood...



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Day 2, Part 2:

So Daniel and I auditioned for the same producer. We told them how last year we competed against each other in the same show. They thought it was hilarious. They had us each sing a song, and then had us sing another haha. We were in the audition room for at least 30 minutes.

Finally the producer let us know the verdict, we were getting moved on to the next round! Woot Woot. We still had one more audition though. So off to the coke room we went to pick songs

I wanted to sing Black horse and a cherry tree, but it was already taken. Daniel wanted to sing My Kinda Party, luckily that was still available.

I eventually chose Before he cheats and Breakaway. Daniel chose My Kinda Party and Use Somebody.

We went in together and Daniel went first. He sang both and the producer then had me sing. I sang both songs and he told us to both stand on the star and watch the video from Ryan Seacrest.

I know this video all too well, haha I've done AI 4 times now. So he starts out saying "when you audition for american idol, if you're good you hear You're going to Hollywood. Well unfortunately we cant say that to you today, but I can say one thing. You're going to the stage show!" We both made it and celebrated. We were put in the same show. I was given the video package, so I had to start recording a bunch of shots for it.

We were given our passes and "Vote for me" lanyards and sent out to the camera crew.


We made it!


American idol here we come

Oh! One more thing, the producer who let us through, said he had presents for us for our friendiversary, he gave us each 2 fastpasses for any rides at HS that day. Which definitely came in handy with TSM

We met up with my film crew and started filming. The whole thing took about an hour. They interviewed me, and had Daniel and I do a bunch of silly stuff.

After that, we had 3 hours to kill before our call time for our show.

We decided to take a trip through the movies, I was hoping for the Western scene but we ended up with the Gangster scene, oh well


This girl was horrible, it sounded like she had cotton balls shoved in her cheeks the whole time. I don't remember understanding anything she said.

Our other CM was great, she had a sense of humor and acted it well



"was it YOU?"

after our trip through the movies, we decided to take advantage of these beauties

Because there was only 2 of us, we sped through the FP line of TSM, we pretty much walked on. The stand by was at 1 hour. So we felt pretty cool haha

But first! A 3d glasses selfie

So the whole ride, Daniel was whooping my butt by atleast 10,000, but somehow at the end, I beat him by 20,000 :) awesomeee

So after the ride, we decided to go meet some characters. Who did we end up meeting?? You'll just have to wait and see, I have to go to work now :P



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Day 2, Part 3:

So we went off to meet some characters. We ended up running into a pair of funny looking brothers. They had a little bit of a line, but we were totally ok with that.

When it was our turn to meet Phineas and Ferb, I got huge hugs from both



They had to show Daniel some love, it's only fair


Ferb was a little jealous that I hugged Phineas first, so he stole me from him


Aren't we all cute together?? haha

After we took our picture, Phineas grabbed my hand and proposed to me. Of course the photographer didn't get a picture of it. Just one of after, but It was cute. I looked at him and said "aren't you a little young to be proposing" and he shook his head and of course I knew he meant "Yes, yes we are"

So, after we met them. We had about 45 minutes until our American Idol call time, and I was starving. We ended up at the Commisary. Which I haven't eaten at in forever because the menu ALWAYS changes it seems like. We decided to eat here, I got the chicken club, Daniel got some salad. I don't really remember what it was exactly

I don't have pictures because I scarfed mine down, that's how hungry I was haha.

When we finished eating, we still had 10 minutes til our call time, and we were right across the street so we decided just to hang out with the CM over there. He was really cool and we just talked about Florida and stuff, and how much we hated south Florida lol.

Eventually it was our time, and we went in the green room. we met the other contestant, he was cool. He liked our shirts haha

We each got 10 minutes with a vocal coach, hair and makeup artist and 10 minutes to chill

Eventually it was our time to rehearse and then perform. Daniel and I didn't win. The other guy did, I came in second though! :)

After the show we had a little group of people outside waiting to meet us, it was so weird haha. They said I should have won and stuff, not to listen to the judges. It was sweet. I kinda felt bad for Daniel though

When we finished, we went on Star Tours, Daniel was the rebel spy! Lucky haha. Once we got off, it was 4:20, we had ADR's at 4:50 at Boma at AKL. We raced to the car and got there around 4:35ish

Near our car, were these

Powerpuff girl cars!!!!!! We had a good laugh over that

We got to AKL at 4:50 exactly. Daniel dropped me off and I rushed to Boma. The Elevator took forever, and I got to the desk like a minute before 5. They gave us a buzzer and I sat down, Daniel was right behind me and we sat on the bench

I went to the bathroom, and in there I saw a really cool light fixture.

I really liked it

About 10 minutes later, the buzzer went off and we were seated. The only thing I didn't like was that because we were a party of 2, we were sat on this long booth thing in between 2 larger parties, So I had a person on either side of me, about a foot away... So it was awkward getting up each time haha

Our waiter took our drink orders, and we got in the line. It was a long line, but moved rather quickly. There was a really nice CM who was putting more plates on the plate thing and he gave me a plate instead of just moving out of the way for me to get my own.

There was a woman at the carving station, she was wonderful! She talked to everyone. She was from South Africa. She called me princess and told us how amazing the meat was and said to try her favorite dishes. LOved her!


This was my first plate.

The coconut curry soup was AMAZING!! So was the basmati rice with paneer cheese on top. Thinking about the food here is making my mouth water :P

We each got like 3 plates of food, we were stuffed. But not so stuffed that we couldnt get desert!

I finally got to try a zebra dome, I now know why everyone on here raves about them. I also had some type of cobbler or something, it was delicious

We finished, paid and rolled ourselves out of there back to the car. haha

and we were off to Epcot!!!



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Day 2, Part 4:

We got to Epcot around 6:30 ish, we were on a mission. We wanted to go to the Character Spot to meet the characters, but first we had to take a picture infront of the ball



We were walking past the entrance to SE, and it had no line, so we figured we'd ride it

I was at Epcot 3 weeks earlier, and these signs weren't there


Our beautiful faces

Our future was completely awesome of course. We got off, and got in line for the CHaracter spot. The line was 10 minutes. We were definitely the oldest ones there meeting the characters haha

First was Mickey :)


Before we took a nice picture with him, Daniel said "Mickey can I take a selfie with you?" Mickey gave him a thumbs up and we tried. It was really hard to fit all 3 heads in there haha

Then we took a nice picture with him :)

Alright, so I can't find any of my other pictures right now. I'm gonna go look for them.... thats all I have right now guys :)


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Day 2, Part 5:

Ok, I found the rest of my pictures! The next installments are going to be long and in huge chunks, we leave Sunday for our next trip! A week at WDW, finally enough time to do EVERYTHING :)

Ok back to the TR, up next we met Pluto :)



Last, we met Minnie! She loved our shirts, and my bow because we matched


After we got out of that, we ended up by the fountain in the middle of FW, so of course, we had to take our picture infront of SE!

The CM here was amazing! She was earning her ears and making us laugh the whole time. She loved our shirts and when she saw the back asked if we could adopt her as the blonde best friend. We already had a brunette and a red head, we needed her to complete us like the Powerpuff Girls haha. She was my favorite

We're adorable aren't we??

After we finished our photoshoot, we were off to ride TT, Daniel hadn't been on it since the refurbishment. The standby was an hour, so we hopped onto single rider. The only part I hate about single rider and FP is that you can't make your own car. You have to pick an already designed one but whatever.

When we got off, Daniel said it was cool but it's the same ride, just looks like Tron attacked it. Which is exactly what I said last year when it opened.

We didn't really have anything else there we wanted to do, so we decided to go to MK for the fireworks and Castle Projection show because I have never seen it..


On the monorail!

When we got to MK, it wasn't completely packed but Mainstreet was, the electrical parade was about to come through. We waited by the castle, because Daniel wanted us to make sure we got a seat right infront of the castle so I could see the show

After a little waiting and then pushing through the crowd, we made it. We sat down and waited, I took some pictures of this beauty

So as we waited Daniel kept telling me I was gonna cry during the projection show, I kept saying "No I wont, it's probably cool but none of it's gonna make me cry" He would just laugh at me. We waited about 15 minutes and finally it started!


The whole time i just kept saying "Oh thats really cool" or woah. Daniel just said "wait until the Tangled part, you're gonna die"


Loved that part, Alice in Wonderland is one of my favorites



This Wreck it Ralph part was amazing!!!

So, here comes the whole "Daniel was right" Part.

I'm watching, and suddenly the whole castle is just dark, and you see the shadows of the king and queen from tangled projected on the castle balcony thing, they have a lantern in their hands. I teared up a little. Then they let it go and the castle is covered in lanterns, I lost it! I cried like a little baby.... Daniel had actually grabbed napkins for me cause he knew I would so he handed them to me.

So eventually I stopped crying and kept watching the show. It was amazing. Then the finale started, and Walt was projected on the castle making some speech about WDW, I lost it all over again. I've always said that Walt is one of my heroes and I wish there was some way for me to meet him to tell him that his dream has helped me through the hardest times in my life, and to thank him. Well I was a mess of tears on the floor during this part.

After the show I still had some tears coming down, there were people around me looking and staring haha I didn't care :)

We watched Wishes from where we were because you really dont have a choice when you're in a huge crowd like that. We couldn't see much though cause the castle was in the way



After Wishes was over, we ventured over to Adventureland to meet up with some pirates. We walked on and were the last ones seated on a boat before they closed the ride.

We walked slowly out of MK to the monorail line. It was crazy, the line started before you even left the turnstiles...

Eventually we were squeezed in with a bunch of people and were off to TTC. While waiting for the tram we witnessed the rudest thing I've seen at WDW in a while. A family of 9 was waiting in the same lane for the tram, well each row only seats 6. and they knew that, when the tram came up the mom said to the oldest daughter, grab your brothers and cut those people in line to get on with us, push them out of the way, we're more important....

wow..... just wow... everyone in line was yelling at them, calling them rude. and to make it worse, the girl pushed and older gentleman and his granddaughter out of the way, they were trying to sit with their family. They wouldn't let them... I was shocked at what I was seeing. The grandpa was like "it's fine, let them go, karma will get them sweetie" All of us in line were like "good for you, we don't wanna be on a tram with them anyway"

We got back to the car, and went back to the hotel. We passed out, it had been such a long day and we had another long day planned before we went back to SoFla.

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