My DM cannot have a lot of sodium. My DH can’t have dairy and also anything spicy. We were last there in 2021 but they used to be able to eat at most TS including buffets. I do not know if anything has changed but at the restaurants we have gone to over the years they used to have some type of protein that was not marinated so they would have that cooked in a no dairy no salt cooking spray along with some type of potato or fries and vegetables. At some of the Italian places they could cook the pasta in no salt water and a plain tomato sauce or olive oil. At Boma they made things for them in the back. At breakfasts whether at a food court or TS they could make fresh eggs and potato with fruit. DM can only have certain fruit due to medicines she is on and she found out some have salt so tells them which she can have. By the way Whispering Canyon Cafe is one of our favorite breakfasts.