Why is WDW so bad at utilizing their space while Disneyland (with much less space) is so good at it?

Walt Disney1955

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Our next trip is likely to be out west in Disneyland. It still has so many of the classic attractions and Disneyland overall is a better theme park than Magic Kingdom in WDW. I always feel like WDW is the grander of the two and the more quantity and the experience of the resorts and such while Disneyland is the original and more quaint version and seems to be able to keep the classics alive.

So why is that? Not that there aren't original 1971 attractions at Magic Kingdom, but there are lots of 1955 originals at Disneyland and plenty of others that have been there later in the 1950s and 1960s. Not only that, but just take a look at the map of Disneyland. We know the space is limited in Anaheim, they can't build it any bigger than they have and they were fortunate to be able to get California Adventure in there. But if you isolate Disneyland on its own this is a park with much less limitations than MK in WDW and yet they are able to pack more punch in their parks. They never got rid of Toontown, they ADDED Star Wars land, they kept their Fantasyland attractions, the Matterhorn, Indiana Jones without changing anything, they still have and hopefully always will have Tom Sawyer (Pirate) Island and the Mark Twain Riverboat. The Autopia is an excellent ride and better than WDW's, not to mention bigger. Pirates is bigger. They never got rid of New Orleans Square either. Main Street actually has a couple of classic attractions and the Castle is a walkthrough.

Okay, it is not a Disneyland vs. MK shouting match, because even on a WDW board Disneyland wins this one. But it is just how badly they do things at WDW despite having way more land, the same amount as the city of San Francisco. For example, the Coco ride happening in DCA. Even there the new ride is proposed to be in some unused land near the Incredicoaster. Doesn't sound like anything is leaving. But in WDW we shred the Liberty Belle Riverboat all for a Carsland. Mr. Toad leaves for Winnie the Pooh. Snow White leaves for a meet and greet. Toontown leaves for the Fantasyland expansion. And for all I know the powers to be might like the idea of getting rid of the Gran Fiesta Tour - which is always a nice hidden gem - for Coco.

Hey look, Coco is a nice movie, the addition to Coco in Philharmagic was excellent because it didn't replace anything. But the Gran Fiesta tour among other things are creations of Walt Disney (or at least the movie was). WDW ignores this stuff despite having loads more space than Disneyland does. It is like a person in an apartment building hosting a BBQ while the guy with the big house and the big backyard never does it.

Why do you think this is? Is it because Disneyland does a better job at preserving the nostalgia and Walt's vision?

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