Bioreconstruct Appreciation Thread


Well-Known Member
Just because I thought he needed one after his recent health issues, and he posted what’s been going on:

I personally can’t say thank you enough for all the pics he’s posted. Just an incredible resource.

Well bio has made public his diagnosis and while not fatal in the short term it is incurable at this time. He has Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia which caused him extreme fatigue prompting a doctor visit where a blood test indicated a blood problem. It makes me angry at how unfair cancer can be.



Well-Known Member
My former boss has that. She was diagnosed MANY years ago and is living a very happy and healthy life. Downside is her medicine costs $12k/month. She has been lucky enough to have a grant covering most of the costs.
How is her general health? Still running marathons if she ever did?


Well-Known Member
How is her general health? Still running marathons if she ever did?
Excellent! Other than the CLL, I would have to rank her as the healthiest and most energetic person that I know. She has always been and is still an avid tennis player and plays multiple times a week. She was diagnosed in the early 2000s. Eventually, she started to diminish in health. Went to MD Anderson in the early 2010s. They started her on a chemo regiment for a few months. By about 2017, they put her on Imbruvica. Since that time, she has spent time traveling in Europe, been on cruises, playing lots pf tennis, and is enjoying retirement. (It is important to note that she did NOT retire because of her health caused by the CLL.)


Well-Known Member
Excellent! Other than the CLL, I would have to rank her as the healthiest and most energetic person that I know. She has always been and is still an avid tennis player and plays multiple times a week. She was diagnosed in the early 2000s. Eventually, she started to diminish in health. Went to MD Anderson in the early 2010s. They started her on a chemo regiment for a few months. By about 2017, they put her on Imbruvica. Since that time, she has spent time traveling in Europe, been on cruises, playing lots pf tennis, and is enjoying retirement. (It is important to note that she did NOT retire because of her health caused by the CLL.)
Hope for bio

Coaster Lover

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Does Bio have a Go Fund Me or Patrion (or the similar)? I feel like if Bio got royalties from every video and message board that feature his images, he'd never have to work a day again in his life (or maybe he is independently wealthy and already doesn't work and just flies around Orlando in his helicopter?)


Well-Known Member
Does Bio have a Go Fund Me or Patrion (or the similar)? I feel like if Bio got royalties from every video and message board that feature his images, he'd never have to work a day again in his life (or maybe he is independently wealthy and already doesn't work and just flies around Orlando in his helicopter?)
Excellent idea!

Unless or until I hear of a more tangible way to help, I send my prayers and my appreciation.

A thread celebrating his enormous contributions to our discussions and understanding of ongoing projects at WDW (and elsewhere!) is long overdue.


Well-Known Member
Excellent! Other than the CLL, I would have to rank her as the healthiest and most energetic person that I know. She has always been and is still an avid tennis player and plays multiple times a week. She was diagnosed in the early 2000s. Eventually, she started to diminish in health. Went to MD Anderson in the early 2010s. They started her on a chemo regiment for a few months. By about 2017, they put her on Imbruvica. Since that time, she has spent time traveling in Europe, been on cruises, playing lots pf tennis, and is enjoying retirement. (It is important to note that she did NOT retire because of her health caused by the CLL.)
Like your example of living with this disease bio is continuing to live his best life which is so special to Orlando theme park fans, thanks again bio you are the GOAT and always will be

btw I grew up in a time that Leukemia was a death sentence, medicine is amazing

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