Christmas Holiday phase closing watch 2018


Well-Known Member
I'd like to share my experience last night for those who might find the prospect of NYE at EPCOT interesting, but are being driven away by the reports of crowds and lines for everything.

First I'll preface that my primary objectives on NYE are to dance and have a couple drinks. I have zero interest in attractions. My approach for the parks on a busy day is the same as it is every day - do what everyone else isn't. While that's not always possible, there are little things that can be done to make it happen.

I parked and stepped foot inside EPCOT at 6pm with Illuminations coming at 6:30. The line for parking was the worst part, but there was no traffic actually heading into EPCOT. It seems most of that log jam is in the morning/early afternoon and is cleared by early evening. So don't enter the park when everyone else is...

I got in the park and headed immediately to a temp cart right in the main area by the pin trading station to buy a diet coke. There was only a couple people in front of me. Win #1. It was not a 40 min wait to buy food(or a drink) at this cart. Lesson = don't buy from the same carts as everyone else if you can avoid it.

I then went to find a hat distribution location which I found over by Imagination. There were plenty available and they gave more than 1 which was great as I had people coming later to meet me. In past years they ran out, but I noticed they were paper not plastic this year which meant they didn't hold up long given the warm night and excessive amount of dancing.

I headed from the hat location over to Mexico. This is where I was really impressed. I hadn't been to NYE since 2012 and I noticed they have now turned the hub at the front of world showcase into a roundabout. BRILLIANT!! In my past experiences, this was a HUGE bottleneck area and that bottleneck would extend back to the UK and to China. It used to take 20-40 minutes to move through the first 3 countries of the WS on NYE. With the improved crowd control, this was no longer the case!

I get it, maybe for those who haven't experienced NYE before these improvements, the crowds seem to be too much, but I'm telling ya from what I know before, things are MUCH better. So I was able to walk in, buy a diet coke, get a hat, find a spot in Mexico for illuminations, and do it with 10 minutes to spare. Literally 20 min to accomplish all that. Incredible.

After fireworks I took the bypass to future world and headed to the silent dance party which started at 7pm. COOLEST THING EVER! Seriously more clubs should jump into this concept. If ya don't like one DJ you can flip to the other channel meaning you can pretty much always find something to dance to and yet, simply remove your headphones and you can talk to the person next to you or to the DJ without screaming. I even left the party, took a bathroom break(they let you back in if you tell them that's what you're doing) and managed to buy a beer from the same cart(4 ppl in line this time) and get back in all in under 15 min. I stayed there until 9:45 when my friends arrived.

We headed to the UK while my hubby went to Mexico for a margarita at the inside bar. Ok so at this point it's dark, the party is pumpin, yet all 5 of us swiftly made it to the UK. Not only that, we got in and out of the rose and crown in less than 15 minutes. They had that place like a well oiled machine, controlling the line to get in therefore making it less cramped. Honestly it was more enjoyable last night than many of the other times I've been in there and that certainly includes food and wine.

We danced and enjoyed our drinks until hubby met up with us. Again - a concept that blew me away given past experience trying to move from Mexico to the UK.

Next on to Italy for the fireworks. We arrived I think around 11 or so and stayed put until Fireworks.

After fireworks, it was on to China. Again, no issue traveling, but mostly everyone was headed in one direction anyway so that made it pretty easy. My friends then headed to the entrance while I continued back to the UK for the last set of DJ Scott Robert. I was there until a little after 1am then headed to the front of the park.

We all headed to our cars shortly after and to my surprise, the parking lot was continuously moving. No issues getting out. I was parked in Explore.

So if I were gonna sum it up, arrive later than everyone else and leave a little later than everyone else.

I realize different party sizes and makeups will affect some of this, but for anyone looking to do NYE at EPCOT, don't let the horror stories of 40 minute waits for a drink fool you. It's an absolute blast and it's not as bad as some make it out to be if you hit the right places.

The paper hats is a win.


Just as an aside


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Well-Known Member
Thanks AJH219 and zulemara for the reports. Sounds like they've got things working much much smoother than when I worked there several years back. Lots of people, but traffic flowing is good.

I know the one year I worked Epcot New Years Eve they were sitting in the planters.

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