75 Years of Ears Parade (TEASER!)

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hey all, I'm working on a parade for the 75th birthday of Mickey next year. I'll have it posted when it's done, probly by the end of the week or so. Just a little teaser to get you ready, lol. :D


Here's a quote from the script....

::Suddenly, an echoing of Ursela's voice begins to play from all the speakers::

Ursela: So, it's Mickey's 75th birthday is it? Well, big deal. It's MY 155th, but do I get a parade? Noooo. I'm not even in THIS one! I think I'll teach that little rodent a lesson he'll never forget, and this time I won't fail, as I did with that little fish, Arial.

Arial: Hey!

Ursela: Not now sweet cheeks, I'm plotting. I believe I will create an alternate Mickey. A Mickey from within the looking glass. Yes, an EVIL Mickey, I shall call him... Mickey Mutant! Guests of the Magic Kingdom... welcome to my nightmare. (Begins laughing maniacly)

::Lazors begin to shoot from the floats to the rooftops of the buildings in whatever land the float is in and smoke begins to rise from all the floats. The characters back up in fear as a deranged version of Mickey rises from each float::

Mickey Mouse: Uh oh

Mickey Mutant: Ah, LIFE! (Looks around at the classic Disney characters surrounding him) Well, this will never do, now will it?

::Mickey Mutant holds his hands up and sparks begin to shoot from them. Fog pours out from the floasts until each is covered and fiber optics begin to twinkle from inside.::

Mickey Mutant: Agora eu usarei minhas potencias mudar cada um destes chracters clássicos de Disney em uma versao deformada de seus selves anteriores. Change! Change! Change!

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

What does that mean? Was it funny? Did you think it was stupid? Please clarify why you are laughing at my sweat and blood! (lol, just kidding) But why ARE you laughing?

General Grizz

New Member
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

LOL...I just found it funny! It sounds pretty cool! I can't wait to see the rest of this parade...

The title is also maleficent - er - magnificen.... fantasmic - wait...uh...fantastic...

Dang it...:zipit:


New Member
I like it, It reminds me of my parade (soon to be posted, as soon as I finish it), Princesses On Parade. Later in the parade, Ursual complains that she isn't a princess along with all the other female villains and 'causes a Princess 'BASH'ing. HEHE. Well, that one won't be finished for a while, and it has the theme song of either "Princesses On Parade" or "Sparkle Shimmer And Glow."

As for your idea. I love it. I laughed, I cried, I smiled...yada yada yada. You get the point sweetcheeks :D. I love it, I can't wait for the finished version. HURRY!

- The WeirdOne :D


New Member
I'm not only impressed with the parade, I'm impressed that you took on the task of actually DESIGNING one..Wow, impressive! Impressive! Impressive!

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Chad
I'm not only impressed with the parade, I'm impressed that you took on the task of actually DESIGNING one..Wow, impressive! Impressive! Impressive!

Wow... a compliment from Chad. :sohappy: Hey, thanks everybody. I've got SATs this week, so I'll work on it between tests. I'm gonna try and sketch some of the floats out, we'll see how that turns out... lol! Here's to 75 Years of Ears! :D


I'm mostly doing this to sharp up my writing skills. My drawing skills obviously aren't going to get me into Imagineering ( :lol: ), so I need to find something that will. Please be honest and tell me if you think I'm any good at this.


New Member
Once agian...

I laughed, I cried, I smiled, I weeped. It was excellent. I want to be a writer too. As you can tell from Nine Worlds. I am really serious about it.

- The WeirdOne :slurp:


New Member
>>Wow... a compliment from Chad. >>

Yes, a true compliment w/o suggestions is rare from me, so take it seriously. Only you and weirdone have gotten true compliments out of me.. :)

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Chad
>>Wow... a compliment from Chad. >>

Yes, a true compliment w/o suggestions is rare from me, so take it seriously. Only you and weirdone have gotten true compliments out of me.. :)

wow.... Thanks!

Hey, btw... sorry I haven't contributed much to the SoJI Boards... I would've done a bunch of stuff with the Land of Legends park, but by the time I got back from my trip to WDW, we had all but given up. I'll try to put a little work into our newest project... SHHHH! (Top Secret!) lol ;)

Sounds cool, my only question is why Ursula, I really don't think of her as Mickey's Arch-nemesis. Just curious to why her out of all of the Disney Villains?:confused:

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by FigmentDream
Sounds cool, my only question is why Ursula, I really don't think of her as Mickey's Arch-nemesis. Just curious to why her out of all of the Disney Villains?:confused:

Cuz she's my all time fave Disney villain! ;)


New Member
I was sorta think it would be neat if every float had a 'seperate' disney villan that took over it..Because, it is true that ursala isn't Mickey's arch nemisis..


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
hmm... Nice parade... now if you could get it to work w/ the WDW performers contract ;)
Originally posted by Chad
I was sorta think it would be neat if every float had a 'seperate' disney villan that took over it..Because, it is true that ursala isn't Mickey's arch nemisis..

And that would also be really cool because then the parade could be slightly different each time depending on where you were watching it from :sohappy:

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by FigmentDream

And that would also be really cool because then the parade could be slightly different each time depending on where you were watching it from :sohappy:

Now just you wait to see what this is when it's finished before you decide how you would view it... *HINT*HINT*HINT*


The phrase "Next Generation Parade" comes to mind... *HINT*HINT*HINT*

Just how big IS the castle? sheerly out of... uhh... curiosity of course.. ;) ::Clears Throat:: *HINT*HINT*HINT*

Ok, enough hints, paint your own pictures now.
And by the way... NowInc., WeirdOne, GrizzlyHall, and DogsRule!... Ya'll just keep your mouths shut.. Just cuz you're "In the know" doesn't mean you get to go spilling your wealth of knowledge to those you aren't, got it? (lol) ;)


New Member
Originally posted by DisneyExpert

And by the way... NowInc., WeirdOne, GrizzlyHall, and DogsRule!... Ya'll just keep your mouths shut.. Just cuz you're "In the know" doesn't mean you get to go spilling your wealth of knowledge to those you aren't, got it? (lol) ;)

Oh can I spill, please, please. Iwant to spill, so post more that way I can keep shut. PLEASE ;). - The WeirdOne :D

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well, it's coming along great so far... Expect to see it as early as Saturday but no later then next Wednesday (April 24, 2002). Keep dreaming, this is gonna be HUGE!


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