6 day 5 night trip/ If I only had a flag!

Look at me posting a trip report and not a film review, I am kind of lost in this section. Not really I stalk this section often.
Well my trip was 6-18 through 6-23.
We stayed at POP. This was just a trip to meet up with some people from my work place who were staying there. This is my 3rd visit in 13 months.
This was the first time we did not use a meal plan. My college age son and I were the travelers. We had a ressy for a lunch at Prime Time and an evening ressy for Ohana. All in all I think we saved a good amount of money. I think when you get the plan you have tendency to eat more than you need because it is there. At home if I have a big lunch (quick service), I have tendency to eat small for dinner. Or vice versa.
Oh, no pictures. Sorry. I keep the photo pass, sometimes order the picture. I just keep the memories up in my head. Enjoy my moments at the park. Pictures collect dust, in a book, somewhere.
This will be quick like a review with a summary.

The good: The cast members everywhere we went were wonderful. A big thumbs up to the activity directors at the pool. It was hot, and they were not in the water. They were wonderful and patient with the little ones.
Ohana again did not fail. We were there at 9:30 so we saw the fireworks at 10. It was Fantastic.
Speaking of fireworks, Illuminations is still the best show in my opinion.
Bus drivers I feel do not get any love. They put up with a lot of questions and delays, we had a couple that were really funny.
From POP you can walk the bridge over to the new Art Of Animation. Fantastic looking place. The detail is amazing, you must take the walk over if you are at POP.
A double secret, which is no longer one now that I mention it. Line to long to get back to POP? Jump in the Art line, and walk through the lobby, over the bridge. We did this often. Saved us a lot of time.
Top three rides this trip (This list changes every trip I am sure your list changes every trip also):
1-Soarin-Yes people say the picture is getting spotty. I do not know why but I really loved it this trip. Rode it three times.
2-Expedition Everest
3-Kilimanjaro Safari-I went on it twice.Without the poacher story line it is kind of odd however.
Top three shows:
1-Lion King-All these trips, I have never seen it. I thought it was for kids. After reading reviews from this sight I gave it a shot. Loved it.
2- Mickeys Philharmonic- still the best 3D show.
3-Turtle Talk-So odd, but makes me laugh still.

The bad is up next.


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Original Poster
The bad:
POP needs more umbrella tables. We do what most people do, mornings at the park. Afternoon pool. Evenings at the park. The main pool at POP has maybe 10 tables with umbrellas. It is stinking hot!
Big Thunder Mountain, they closed it down, and spent all that money for that. I do not get it. This is our first ride on it since the refurbishment. Blah!
The bathroom attendant talking to me while I was in the bathroom at 50's Prime. Dude, guy code.
Finally here it comes...TOUR GROUPS. An old complaint I know.
I bring this up because I do not know how it can be fixed. To tell you the truth, they did not bother me this trip because I have learned how to deal. Get there early. Get on the busy rides before they take over.
Here is what I heard:
A woman on the bus going to ART was telling another woman that she was at Sports/Music/movie resort and complained because there were 80 tour groups there, they could not get near the pool, eat, or sleep (I am sure she exaggerated the number). They moved her to ART.
My friends from work had two dining problems with them. Once at Earl they got in line and the group leader pushed by my friends, the leader said they have to be together for payment. My friends said then get behind us. The group leader just laughed.
About 3-5 bus rides we overheard people complaining about the groups, and saying they will not be back. I felt for them.
Twice, cast members said that they are starting to have problems with the groups because the groups themselves are much larger and inside the stores they change the dynamic when they enter. Making register lines longer and messing up shelves (I never thought of this).
What I observed:
Fastpasses- A leader sitting at the entrance with over 100 passes , giving them out to his group as they walked into a ride, while some nontourgroup people got swallowed up in the line. In fact a cast member told him that his people are butting in line and they must stop, he ignored that and kept giving out his passes.
POP had tour groups which I have never seen.
I was walking down Main Street before the Electrical Parade almost all spots on the curb were taken by tour group people. I was thinking about the the mom and dad and child who saved for years for this trip and this is what happened. I feel for them.
What to do has been debated here forever: My son wanted to steal a flag and just run and throw it off a bridge and keep running and let the leader figure out what just happened. He also suggested screaming World Cup losers at them. He said it is like cursing at them. My son has a dry humor.
I was thinking maybe travel agents have to start being more aware of the tour group problems and make sure they let customers know. At that time of year push travelers toward Universal. Maybe once Disney finds out that the major agents are doing this maybe the minds at Disney will get together and figure out a solution. I for one think money talks so it will never change. I was even thinking while sitting pool side one day, are the americans the big market for Disney anymore. Maybe overseas is where the money is.
Well to finish my trip like my movies..I would give it 4 out of 5 Mickeys. It was a nice visit, had a good time. I got to visit friends. It is the most magical place in the world you know.
Well thanks for your time.
Hope you enjoyed my nonmovie review.


Well-Known Member
What to do has been debated here forever: My son wanted to steal a flag and just run and throw it off a bridge and keep running and let the leader figure out what just happened. He also suggested screaming World Cup losers at them. He said it is like cursing at them. My son has a dry humor.

That's funny!


Well-Known Member
I had never heard of the tour groups before WDWMagic. I had no idea it was sooooo bad, but I know I will for sure be avoiding WDW during the summer/tour group season, thanks to reviews like these. I really appreciate the heads up from other members!

Especially for the reason you stated. We save big time for our trips and to have it ruined by something like that would be slightly devastating!


Active Member
Original Poster
I had never heard of the tour groups before WDWMagic. I had no idea it was sooooo bad, but I know I will for sure be avoiding WDW during the summer/tour group season, thanks to reviews like these. I really appreciate the heads up from other members!

Especially for the reason you stated. We save big time for our trips and to have it ruined by something like that would be slightly devastating!

Like I noted the tour groups did not personally bother me. They rarely use EMH. That helps a lot. They really start filling the park at around 10am. Another tip, if you have to go during "tour" season, eat a lite breakfast, eat an early lunch at 11am, before they fill up QS places.
My son met a girl he knew from his college, at the park, she had the same flight home we did. They sat together and she said "I am so happy to be going home, those tour groups make the place exhausting". I love Disney, it makes me kind of sad to hear stuff like that. To be honest, I cannot argue with her. If you do not make a game plan, they can be exhausting.


Well-Known Member
The bad:
POP needs more umbrella tables. We do what most people do, mornings at the park. Afternoon pool. Evenings at the park. The main pool at POP has maybe 10 tables with umbrellas. It is stinking hot!
Big Thunder Mountain, they closed it down, and spent all that money for that. I do not get it. This is our first ride on it since the refurbishment. Blah!
The bathroom attendant talking to me while I was in the bathroom at 50's Prime. Dude, guy code.
Finally here it comes...TOUR GROUPS. An old complaint I know.
I bring this up because I do not know how it can be fixed. To tell you the truth, they did not bother me this trip because I have learned how to deal. Get there early. Get on the busy rides before they take over.
Here is what I heard:
A woman on the bus going to ART was telling another woman that she was at Sports/Music/movie resort and complained because there were 80 tour groups there, they could not get near the pool, eat, or sleep (I am sure she exaggerated the number). They moved her to ART.
My friends from work had two dining problems with them. Once at Earl they got in line and the group leader pushed by my friends, the leader said they have to be together for payment. My friends said then get behind us. The group leader just laughed.
About 3-5 bus rides we overheard people complaining about the groups, and saying they will not be back. I felt for them.
Twice, cast members said that they are starting to have problems with the groups because the groups themselves are much larger and inside the stores they change the dynamic when they enter. Making register lines longer and messing up shelves (I never thought of this).
What I observed:
Fastpasses- A leader sitting at the entrance with over 100 passes , giving them out to his group as they walked into a ride, while some nontourgroup people got swallowed up in the line. In fact a cast member told him that his people are butting in line and they must stop, he ignored that and kept giving out his passes.
POP had tour groups which I have never seen.
I was walking down Main Street before the Electrical Parade almost all spots on the curb were taken by tour group people. I was thinking about the the mom and dad and child who saved for years for this trip and this is what happened. I feel for them.
What to do has been debated here forever: My son wanted to steal a flag and just run and throw it off a bridge and keep running and let the leader figure out what just happened. He also suggested screaming World Cup losers at them. He said it is like cursing at them. My son has a dry humor.
I was thinking maybe travel agents have to start being more aware of the tour group problems and make sure they let customers know. At that time of year push travelers toward Universal. Maybe once Disney finds out that the major agents are doing this maybe the minds at Disney will get together and figure out a solution. I for one think money talks so it will never change. I was even thinking while sitting pool side one day, are the americans the big market for Disney anymore. Maybe overseas is where the money is.
Well to finish my trip like my movies..I would give it 4 out of 5 Mickeys. It was a nice visit, had a good time. I got to visit friends. It is the most magical place in the world you know.
Well thanks for your time.
Hope you enjoyed my nonmovie review.
omg that would have been hilarious if your son did that. i agree though, disney has to so something. its amazing how the numbers have grown over the years. but i will say this, the groups are a huge money maker for disney and central florida. there is a reason they bring empty suitecases/ buy more... its because they save alot of money buying stuff in the USA versus Brazil, even with taxes. also the tour groups make money because florida/disney has snowballed into the top destination for them


Active Member
Original Poster
omg that would have been hilarious if your son did that. i agree though, disney has to so something. its amazing how the numbers have grown over the years. but i will say this, the groups are a huge money maker for disney and central florida. there is a reason they bring empty suitecases/ buy more... its because they save alot of money buying stuff in the USA versus Brazil, even with taxes. also the tour groups make money because florida/disney has snowballed into the top destination for them

I agree. Like I noted in my last couple of sentences. Maybe Americans are no longer Disney's big market. By market I mean, dollar. Maybe people coming overseas are bringing more money to spend. Be it spending to stay as a big group or spending for food or goods. Thus, people have complained about these groups for years, but this year without a doubt they are more and much bigger. What do they care if 3 sets of mom, dad and son's do not come back when every year they can get many tour groups of 200 to come back and spend more.


Well-Known Member
I agree. Like I noted in my last couple of sentences. Maybe Americans are no longer Disney's big market. By market I mean, dollar. Maybe people coming overseas are bringing more money to spend. Be it spending to stay as a big group or spending for food or goods. Thus, people have complained about these groups for years, but this year without a doubt they are more and much bigger. What do they care if 3 sets of mom, dad and son's do not come back when every year they can get many tour groups of 200 to come back and spend more.
agreed :(


Active Member
Original Poster
Can someone enlighten me on the dates during the summer that these tour groups take over the parks?

It starts at the end of June through the middle of August . That is when classes start up for them. Al so in January they have Holiday

I think my Bad has ran over my Good. Remember I had a good time still! You just have to learn to deal with the tour groups, if you are able to go at a time when they are not there then go for it. Also avoid the Music/Sport/Movie Resort.


Active Member
i know tour groups bring money to our area, but like you said, i feel so bad for the parents who save up money for a once in a lifetime trip for the kids to end up dealing with rude groups. if only they could be respectful of others. that's the part that upsets me the most is how rude and ugly they act..disney needs to step up and protect their other paying customers


New Member
There were several tour groups during our stay. We didnt have an issue with them as we used fast pass to ride the main rides and tried to avoid the areas where the groups were at. Worked out well for us.


New Member
Thank you phyllmouse, that should mean they will be gone when I begin my vacation on the 20th. Appreciate the feed back:)


Well-Known Member
Although I do have to add, went to MK for the day last July and I hardly saw any, guess I caught a lucky day


Well-Known Member
We just got back, the tourgroups were everywhere the first couple of days. They definitely died out as the week went on. So maybe they run June through the last week of July?

We had breakfast with an entire group at Tusker house, it was a nightmare when they all went to get food at the same time, to be fair our server told us to hurry up because it would be a mess.

We had a few bad encounters with the tour groups, but no more than other rude guests.

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