Week 18 brings us to 1978.
The movies I turned down were:
The Cat From Outer Space
Return From Witch Mountain
I went with Hot Lead And Cold Feet.
Oh boy. Here I go. First the premise. Jim Dale plays Jasper who leaves his fortune (town?) to his children. Eli, played by Jim Dale, who is a good church going man. He has two orphans he comes in to town with. Marcus played by Michael Sharrett and Roxanne played by Debbie Lytton. The other brother is Wild Billy played by Jim Dale. The name "wild" says enough. The two brothers do not know each other exist until this moment. The movie also has a good amount of stars in it. Don Knotts; Karen Valentine (looking wonderful); and Jack Elam. This movie is directed by Robert Butler (he did a couple of the Dexter movies) and written by about four different people.
The movie has a pretty good premise and it goes no where. Jokes that fall flat. A competition that is confusing, and not funny, and not exciting. Don Knotts, who is promoted as being in the movie, is really only in it for 10 minutes. He mails it in with about 10 minutes of a battle on and off with Jack Elam. You can smell the plan here---"This is not working. Let see if Knotts is available, get him in here and let him do his Knott's thing".
Some bright spots: Jim Dale playing three characters (more on him later). Karen Valentine playing a school teacher was sweet.
So here are some fun and not so fun facts:
Michael Sharrett had a long career. Nothing stands out but he was a steady working actor until 1995.
Debbie Lytton did not do much after this. She acted until 1980.
Now, Jim Dale. As you may or may not know. Jim is the voice of all the CD/tapes of all the Harry Potter books. He plays every voice. In fact he is noted in the Guinness Book Of World Records for having the most voices on an audio book series (more than 200). Also for being in 6 top ten audio books. If you have not heard Jim Dale and the harry Potter books on CD yet, and you are planning a road trip, go to the library! Each book is about 6-12 CD's. Some say his audio books are as exciting as the movies. I can not tell you enough how great Jim Dale is doing the Harry Potter books.
Well back to the movie. A 5-7 year old may like the slapstick, but an adult, NO. It could be used if you want to get some work done around the house. You can turn it on and plant the kids in front of the TV I guess.
1 out of 5 Mickeys. Enough said on that.
I plan on seeing the Avengers. I think Wednesday. I really wanted to go today. Crowds. I hate strangers sitting next to me in the theatre. You?
I will give my quick review next week.
Thanks again for taking the time.
The movies I turned down were:
The Cat From Outer Space
Return From Witch Mountain
I went with Hot Lead And Cold Feet.
Oh boy. Here I go. First the premise. Jim Dale plays Jasper who leaves his fortune (town?) to his children. Eli, played by Jim Dale, who is a good church going man. He has two orphans he comes in to town with. Marcus played by Michael Sharrett and Roxanne played by Debbie Lytton. The other brother is Wild Billy played by Jim Dale. The name "wild" says enough. The two brothers do not know each other exist until this moment. The movie also has a good amount of stars in it. Don Knotts; Karen Valentine (looking wonderful); and Jack Elam. This movie is directed by Robert Butler (he did a couple of the Dexter movies) and written by about four different people.
The movie has a pretty good premise and it goes no where. Jokes that fall flat. A competition that is confusing, and not funny, and not exciting. Don Knotts, who is promoted as being in the movie, is really only in it for 10 minutes. He mails it in with about 10 minutes of a battle on and off with Jack Elam. You can smell the plan here---"This is not working. Let see if Knotts is available, get him in here and let him do his Knott's thing".
Some bright spots: Jim Dale playing three characters (more on him later). Karen Valentine playing a school teacher was sweet.
So here are some fun and not so fun facts:
Michael Sharrett had a long career. Nothing stands out but he was a steady working actor until 1995.
Debbie Lytton did not do much after this. She acted until 1980.
Now, Jim Dale. As you may or may not know. Jim is the voice of all the CD/tapes of all the Harry Potter books. He plays every voice. In fact he is noted in the Guinness Book Of World Records for having the most voices on an audio book series (more than 200). Also for being in 6 top ten audio books. If you have not heard Jim Dale and the harry Potter books on CD yet, and you are planning a road trip, go to the library! Each book is about 6-12 CD's. Some say his audio books are as exciting as the movies. I can not tell you enough how great Jim Dale is doing the Harry Potter books.
Well back to the movie. A 5-7 year old may like the slapstick, but an adult, NO. It could be used if you want to get some work done around the house. You can turn it on and plant the kids in front of the TV I guess.
1 out of 5 Mickeys. Enough said on that.
I plan on seeing the Avengers. I think Wednesday. I really wanted to go today. Crowds. I hate strangers sitting next to me in the theatre. You?
I will give my quick review next week.
Thanks again for taking the time.