52 in 52 week 13


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Week 13 brings us to 1973:

I turned down:
One Little Indian
Charley And The Angel
The World's Greatest Athlete

Now I had The World's Greatest Athlete written down, but when it came time to choose, I just felt animation, so I switched and went with Robin Hood, which I never have seen. I think I made a mistake.

I do not have to tell you the story, it is Robin Hood played by animals. It basically is Prince John taking advantage of the people while King Richard is out fighting the war. In steps Robin Hood for the people.
It is directed by Wolfgang Reitherman, who also did 101 Dalmations; Jungle Book; and The Aristocats. I think he missed here and I cannot put my finger on what went wrong. It maybe just a bunch of little things.
He did bring in some great voices with:
Roger Miller hosting the story as Allan-A-Dale
Peter Ustinov as Prince John and King Richard
Phil Harris as Little John, you know him as Baloo and Thomas O'Malley
Pat Buttram as Sheriff Of Nottingham, you may know him as Eutace in green Acres.
Brian Bedford as Robin Hood may be part of the problem. His voice is weak and joyless. Another problem, the songs are forgettable and twice they just stop the movie in its tracks (however the score was pretty good).
The animation was just so,so.
After all that negative, the last half hour the movie came to life with a rescue of a main character and a sweet ending.
All in all it was just ok. I would give it 2 Mickeys out of 5. I think kids will struggle through the beginning a bit.
Quick note. I went to see Mirror Mirror today. I was surprised how much I liked it. The commercials and trailers do not do this movie justice. Well written. The Seven Dwarfs, who seem annoying in the trailers are funny and likable. Lily Collins (Phils daughter) is perfectly cast. It is great for all ages. Check it out over the holiday. It is not your Disney's Snow White (which I was never a fan of).
Thanks for taking the time.
Safe travels this week.


Well-Known Member
robin hood is my favourite disney movie! it has a very involving story line, memorable songs, the animation is easily on par with jungle book, aristocats and 101 dalmations. if anything i reckon jungle book is the worst of the three (sorry!). i only just watched it for the first time recently and i just didn't get it. there was no story line, the characters are a bit of a jumble. wasn't it the first movie that walt had absolutally no part in? i know in his later years he stopped having such a massive input into the movies, but this one he had no part in whatsoever.
maybe it's because i never watched jungle book as a child, but robin hood has always been one of my favourites, with lovable characters, memorable songs, great acting (peter ustinov, i'm looking at you!) and it's still a very pretty film. i watched oliver and company recently too, and the animation in that is just dyre, and that was made in the late 80's!

so sorry i disagree with your '2 mickeys'.


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Oh, No!!!
Do not be sorry for disagreeing. In fact it is interesting to hear someone elses take.
If you look back, at week one of this venture I said I live by Steve Friedman's motto (Radio host/movie reviewer who sadly passed): " When it comes to our likes and dislikes of movies, It isn't that someone has bad taste in movies, it is just we have different tastes and that is ok."
Jungle Book was the last animated movie that Walt oversaw. The movie came out a year after his death.
As for Robin Hood, I am glad you love it. I think with animation, as an adult, you have to connect or all is lost. You connected with it, I just did not. Remember I did love that last half an hour. What did you think of Brian Bedford?

But thanks for taking the time to read. Maybe in the next couple of weeks we will find a movie we agree on.

Next week I have a strange one that I never have seen. I will be watching it later in the week.

Stay tuned.

Oh real quick, did you see Robin Hood with Russell Crowe? Critics were so, so on it. I thought it was pretty good. It was a real different take. I thought it worked (a little long however).


Well-Known Member
i liked brian bedford as robin hood. i couldn't imagine any one else playing him to be honest.
like i say maybe its because i never saw jungle book as a child, but remember fondly watching robin hood a humber of times.
i haven't seen the new robin hood with russell crowe, but i did enjoy the 90s one with kevin coster.

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