2 Princesses First Disney World Trip- Trip Report

Hello All,

My name is Dennis and this the trip report of my most recent Disney World trip where I got to take my now fiancee and her 5 year old daughter both on their first WDW trip. If you want to see the trip report it can be found here:

We were packed for weeks and surprised Lexi on the day that we were leaving. She was surprised and shocked and it didn't really sink in because she had no idea what she would be experiencing as well as she was just overwhelmed that she was going to WDW for her first time and on an airplane for her first time.

Told her by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

Off to the airport @ 9am

Airport by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

are we there yet?.... how bout now?.... Where is the plane?....

Airport alone by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

Flight went smoothly. One stop at JFK then off to the most magical place on earth.

Plane by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

Arrived in Orlando with no issues. A little trouble finding the DME. But I broke down and asked someone where we needed to go. We waited about 10-15 in DME's line and then boarded our bus and we were quickly off to our hotel. It was a little upsetting seeing some of the guests carrying a ton of bags which delayed us... Cmon people that is one of the benefits of DME. But I guess not everyone's airline participates so I couldn't get to upset.

We arrive at the All Star Movie resort. I think we had 1-2 stops but they quickly unloaded and off we went.

ASM1 by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

ASM2 by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

I always stay at the Value resorts. They are very affordable and allow me to spend on other luxuries when in the world. Plus we don't spend any time in the room or really at the resort other than sleeping. So if it has a bed, allows me early and late access to the parks, with transportation, and perks like the DME and bringing our luggage to our room then count me in. Room was fine. Two beds, safe, mini fridge, AC, flatscreen, shower/tub, it was quiet. we were near the front which was nice we didn't have to walk far to lobby, buses or food court and pool. We found a playground on at the resort I never knew was there and a small little splash area.

Oh I cant forget about our first bit of magic. When checking in Lexi was anxious and couldn't sit still for 2 seconds. So I had Kari take her over to tv play area in the lobby. I was checking in and got the room keys. Kari grabbed them and said she was heading to the room with Lexi while I finished everything up. The CM then wished me a great trip and hoped they enjoyed their first time. They handed me some flowers to bring back to them at the room. It was something small but pretty cool to walk back to the room and surprise them with their first disney magical moment.

Our first night we got settled around 6pm and headed off to downtown disney for dinner at TREX. DTD was packed. TREX had about a 45-60 min wait. We checked in and Lexi headed to the dino dig area to play. They must have called this one parties name 30 times. I wanted to walk up there and say they obviously aren't here so let the rest of us eat. I kept my cool since i'm a patience guy and people watched. And snapped some pics here and there. Sorry for the blurry ones I was walking and shooting.

TREX by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

TREX2 by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

This place is pretty cool sometimes overwhelming to the senses. The lights, sounds, moving dino's smells of food is quite the experience. Is it a 5 star place. No... Was the food good. Yes. Its your typical american food place. Burgers, fries, Ribs, Chicken, sandwiches. etc. We probably paid $75-$100 for the dinner for all 3 of us. Lexi was exhausted and did fall asleep with dinner. We laughed because there was so much going on all around us we have no idea how she was sleeping. Also a note to parents with small children. The whole place rumbles like a TREX is coming at times, all the dinos roar at the same time, and move from time to time. Lexi was uneasy at times when the lights dim down low when the dinos are doing their thing we assured her it was ok and she stayed close. Some children would probably freak and not want to eat here. Just be cautious of the little ones at this place.

We headed back to the room and crashed. Next morning we were headed to where everyone heads to on their first day.... the Magic Kingdom.


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We woke up bright and early to make it to park for rope drop. I am so thankful we used Garden Grocer. When we checked into our room our groceries were there. Cold stuff in the fridge already. It was so nice to wake up and be able to pour some cereal or make a bagel and head off to the park. We packed a backpack with bottles of water, famous amos chocolate chip cookies, and uncrustables, goldfish crackers for snacks. They came in handy on so many occasions.

Breakfast by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

We brought a Tinkerbell costume for Lexi to wear for the day. We packed a set of shorts and clothes in case she didn't want to be Tink all day. We also had an appt for the Boutique today as well at the MK. We arrived at the MK before rope drop. Watched the preshow which I have never seen at the MK. So it was cool to see. They throw Mickey glitter in the air. Yes that is pretty cool to me. Lexi grabbed some and we put the magical pixi dust in our pockets and made our way in. Grabbed some photos in front of the castle. We did opt for the Photopass+ and I think it was money well spent. We got a ton of photos throughout parks, on rides, at Chef Mickeys and in the boutique. Plus all the backgrouds and enhancements you get to add onto the pics. It was worth it. Some of the photographers didn't really take the time to get good pics but others went above and beyond.

MK1 by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

Picture Magic...

tink by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

We headed left to make our way around the park that way. As we were heading to Jungle Cruise we saw a sign to meet the fairies. We thought we could get right in and out. It took about 20 min but was well worth it. We didn't know who we were meeting but when we walked in and saw Tinkerbell and Rosetta Lexi was thrilled. She was meeting her idol. Well see for yourself.

tink1 by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

tink3 by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

tink2 by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

tink4 by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

They really took her time with her. I think because she was in a Tink costume probably a little more than others. It was a very cool experience. I will admit I cried a little. She was just so happy and it will be something I am sure she will never forget.

After this we went to head over to Jungle Cruise annnnnnnd she sees Aladdins Carpets. Ugh.. How do you tell her these aren't the exciting rides Disney is all about. Ok it will be quick there is no line and I can use it as an excuse to not ride all the other spinners.

So here is their very first WDW ride.

1st Ride by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

Now we headed over to Jungle Cruise. They both liked it. The skipper was good as always. The jokes are cheesy but you cant help but laugh. The ride just brings back so many memories. After this we head over to Pirates. Lexi was all excited until we hit the queue. She stopped in her tracks and started crying. After we try to push her to get on (We have a rule you ride everything once and if you don't like it you never have to ride it again but at least you tried it and you wont know if you like it or not unless you tried it). Eventually after seeing other kids her age and younger and me carrying her she agreed to give it a try. She held on the entire ride and still is unsure of the ride. Hoping she gives is another try next time since she knows what to expect.

After this we headed to grabbed a FP for Splash and then hopped onto the ride. We walked right on. She loved it. Got off and headed right over to Rocky Mt Railroad. Both rides are still great. I was looking for things broke in Splash and I couldn't find them. I dont get all the Disney Doomsdayers.

Splash1 by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

Splash by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

I love this picture. Everytime I vision this ride this is the image that always pops in my head.

MT by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

After these two rides we grabbed a quick bite to eat at Pecos Bills. Then we needed to head to her Boutique appointment in the castle. On the way I snapped this picture which I also love.

mk by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

The BBB experience was cool and every girls dream. They pampered her. Told her stories. She asked questions of the princesses and they played right into it. The Boutique itself is elaborately decorated in Disney fashion. The photographers walk around snapping pictures through the whole process. At the end they get pixi dusted and get their pageant ribbon to wear throughout park. She loved it from start to finish. Such a diva like her mom.

bbb by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

bbb by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

After this we did Its a Small World and then headed back to Haunted Mansion. Yes she was scared of Pirates and we warned her this ride would be the same but with happy ghosts. At first she said no. Then out of no where she said I want to do it. We stopped what we were doing and immediately headed over to it. I asked the CM to bypass us through the stretching room. Which was cool because it saved us a ton of time and I know that would have freaked her out. She liked the ride and I am so proud of her for doing it. I had her pose for a pic after because I was grinning ear to ear that SHE made the choice to ride it all on her own and didn't cry. But I can't seem to find the pic at the moment. This is just a preview of the courage of hers to come.

We bounced with FPs back and forth and rode all the rest of the rides. Met Mickey and Minnie, princesses,and got our spot for the night parade and fireworks right under where Tink flies over. Oh and we rode Space Mountain and she fricken loved it. Still talks about it to this day usually once per week brings it up. She can't wait to go back and ride it.


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mf by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

These guys are so cool. Take the time to stop and listen to them you won't regret it.

dd by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

She couldn't believe she was meeting real live princesses from her favorite movies and books.

princess by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

princess1 by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

Loved this moment...

mickey1 by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

minnie by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

mickey by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

Prime viewing spot and she was so excited to see all the lights and characters.

night parade by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

She saw someone she liked.

night parade 1 by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

Shortly after this she passed out. Kari and I tried waking her for the fireworks but she was out cold. Luckily we had a stroller and she just slept right in it. We headed out with the masses and man I wish we didn't. I saw so many rude and mean people doing un heard of things. A less than classy lady next to me with her family of 15 just decided to leave her stroller in the middle of the crowd as everyone was making their way out. Thus everyone behind kept tripping and bumping into it. People pushing strollers out of the way with kids right in them almost tipping them. I felt so bad for some of the parents you could clearly see where scared and not expecting this mass rush for the exit. Next time we will hang back a bit. It will be well worth the extra 30 minutes hanging in the park than to deal with that again.

Next day we head to DHS...


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It feels great to wake up in Disney World. Even if you have bed head.

Morning Hair by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

Today we did our usual. Have breakfast in the room. We pre planned and had been purchasing different Disney gifts that we could bring with us and leave out each morning for Lexi. One to save us money from buying a ton of souvenirs in the parks but also to give her something special to look forward to each morning. We brought a Tinkerbell doll and did something similar that many have done with Elf on a shelf. Each morning she woke up to Tink in a different spot with small gifts for her. Yesterday was a Tink costume and accessories. Today was some accesories for her clogs and a hat that she saw and loved in the park yesterday. Yea we are pretty proud of our teamwork and sneakiness.

Gifts from Tink1 by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

Gifts from Tink2 by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

and we headed to DHS before opening. We arrived just as the gates were opening and grabbed a quick pic at the front of the park.

DHS by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

We did the usual and made our way to TSM to grab a FP and hop in line. Surprisingly we had about a 10-15 min wait for being one of the first to arrive. After this we did a few character M&G's, Disney Junior Live on Stage, Then headed over and got a picture with Sorcerer Mickey. He ended up being one of Lexis favorite. I'll spare you pics of all the other M&G's but we did a lot of them and having the FP+ was worth it in these cases.

SMickey by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

You got to have a early morning snack and whats better than one of these. Time to drool.

Breakfast by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

The weather today was beautiful. Blue Skies, slight breeze, just wish our entire trip could have had this weather, more on that to come later. We then did all the usual rides from muppets, backlot tour, Little Mermaid show, Star wars 3-4 times. It was walk right on every time. I was impressed with the LMA car stunt show and so was Kari and Lexi. Kari said it was one of her favorite things from the trip. I wish they would incorporate Lighting Mcqueen more into the actual stunts portion. Would be cool to do half the show with the cars they have now and half the show with cars from the movie Cars.

The park looked in great condition. I know the Disney Doomsdayers will say I have my Disney blinders on. We checked out the raining umbrella, pulled the rope at Indy. It was I think now when it sunk in with Kari how above and beyond Disney goes to add that special flare. She was like no don't pull the rope the sign clearly says not to. I kept telling Lexi go ahead its ok pull it. After a few minutes of reassuring them it is ok Lexi and I pulled and they both laughed. We checked for the key in Muppets and I pointed out the special touches and hidden mickeys when I could spot one. Kari even started finding them here and there. I would say the magic has set in and they are hooked. More on that later as well.

We walked by Star Wars and I saw the space vehicle that you can pose with. I said oh cool you guys need to pose with that to get a picture. Now mind you neither of them have watched Star Wars and have any clue what the movie is about but they liked the ride and were willing to pose with a prop.

Star Wars by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

After Kari says I have no idea what that was or why we posed on it but I hope you are happy. I chuckle whenever I see the picture and one day we will sit down and watch the movies so she fully understands the Star Wars importance in our culture.

Lexi played on the Honey I Shrunk the Kids playset. They place is still cool as an adult as it was when I was a kid to walk through. They had the whole web section closed off which was a bummer Lexi would have enjoyed that. We did the pic on the Ant. Explored and high tailed it out of there because it gets pretty crowded.

Headed to our dinner reservation at Sci-Fi Drive In. I love this place. Something keeps bringing me back to it over and over. The cool cars, the old movies, the food is your typical diner food, maybe its the AC. Kari and Lexi enjoyed it. Kari and I got some double burgers with bacon and Lexi got mac n cheese with apples. The kids loves fruit and veggies. Well see for yourself.

Scifi by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

Scifi2 by dkosdrosky, on Flickr

After dinner we made our way over to Fantasmic. We didn't ever get a chance to grab a FP for rockin roller coaster and I don't think Lexi was tall enough and Kari wanted to pass on it. And neither of them wanted to do ToT. So we passed on those rides but Lexi and I are going to make sure we do them next time. Oh yes there will be a next time. wink wink wink.

Getting to Fantasmic 45 min to an hour early is still a must. The walk back seemed like forever and I loved how they handled the strollers. You basically turn it in at the end of the path and when the show is over you walk to the buses and leave the park and don't have to worry about the stroller or running into other people with the stroller. I felt it really sped up the mass exiting of the show. A lot better than how the MK mass exodus went. There were swarms of those little gnats or whatever they were. They were pretty annoying. Seems to me if they just put on some fans and blew them over the crowd the crowd would be cooled off and the gnats would find somewhere else to congregate. They could blow them all in the same direction from left to right or right to left and it would solve the problem while cooling us off.

The show was good as always. It was Karis favorite show of all the parks. That is our day at DHS.

I am bummed that I heard they might be doing away with the Little Mermaid show. I think that is a bad decision. The show is so good and its a must see every time. Each time I pick up on something new. I love the bubbles and music. And it is nice to get a taste of the Little Mermaid and not be in the Magic Kingdom. They could use Cars Land at this park or the Monster Inc coaster or in a dream world... both. The Ratatouille restaurant would help as well. There isn't many dining choices. Pizza Planet, Sci fi, Back Lot, Prime time, and Brown Derby I think is all they have. Nothing spectacular I think with any of them. They need more themed immersion in my opinion. I want to eat in the movie. Drop me in a Monster Inc movie to eat, Pizza Planet is cool but doesn't really resemble the movie, nor has that Toy Story feel at every corner.

Next day we are heading to Chef Mickeys, Epcot and we get some more Disney Magic.


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Thanks DisneySince71, Twhitty, & Pooh Lover. I just had all of our next day typed up and something froze and I lost it all. Guess I should type it up in word and then paste it when I am ready. So bummed because that took an hour or so to type up. :(

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