2 dilemmas


New Member
Our 2nd WDW-trip is getting closer. I figured most things out by now, but I still want to make 2 reservations and have about the same dilemma for both: book early and enjoy the parks after OR book late and enjoy ropedrop first.

The first reservation I want to make is for the keys to the kingdom tour. My dilemma is to book the first or the last tour. If we book the first tour we'll be able to enter MK half an hour before ETPE. So it feels like we'd gain half an hour by booking the first tour. If we book the first tour I expect the tour to finish sooner and have more time left to enjoy the park.

If we'd book the last tour, we'd be able to enter the park at ETPE 1 hour before the start of the tour. So we would be able to do 1 attraction at ropedrop before the tour. Although the tour would start 1,5 hours later then the first tour and thus I assume: finish 1,5 hours later as well. So not sure if we'd save 1,5 hours with 1 attraction. Also worth to note is we'd apply for DAS. So it seems to me it's not worth the trouble to book the last tour. But I'm not entirely sure.

The other reservation I'm in doubt about is a breakfast reservation. We'll stay at Disney's Beach Club Resort and want to have breakfast one day at Cape May Cafe. Again, we could book breakfast the earliest as possible but won't be able to ropedrop for Epcot. Or we could visit Epcot first and return to the hotel for breakfast (it's a short walk). It would be our last day, so I can't even imagine which attraction we'd ropedrop for. I just can't estimate if it matters much if we ropedrop on our last day and/or if we use DAS. On the other hand, if it does matter, it's one of the few days we can ropedrop.

I'm wondering what are your experiences and advice?

much appreciated.

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