2:00 a.m. closing


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The Save PI blog actually posted about this two weeks ago, but it seems to have been buried with the news about the Poly: everyone signing a lease in Disney Springs--the restaurants, the shops--is required to stay open until 2:00 a.m.


Very curious what this will mean. I agree with King Bob this means a lot of restaurants will probably try to shift to more of a nightclub atmosphere. Not sure how well that will work tho. It's a good plan where the crowd is service industry heavy, and no one gets off before 10 or 11. (Good example is SIN at HoB, which doesn't really get going until 11, or the now defunct Jungle Jims). But the DS crowd is different, more convention-goers and parents going out for the evening. PI used to get a crowd around 9, then die out around 12:30. CMs will love this, but not sure how much of the guest base they can capture.

Also, even in PI's heyday I don't remember the shops staying open past midnight. That's an extra 19 hours of staffing a week over what DTD shops do now. Not sure added late night sales will offset that.

I also wonder if everyone else will have to stay open late as well. Not a problem for Raglan or Paradiso, but what about DisneyQuest? Or the art galleries that signed leases years ago? Will midnight movies return to the AMC? Raises a lot of questions.


Well-Known Member
The Save PI blog actually posted about this two weeks ago, but it seems to have been buried with the news about the Poly: everyone signing a lease in Disney Springs--the restaurants, the shops--is required to stay open until 2:00 a.m.


Very curious what this will mean. I agree with King Bob this means a lot of restaurants will probably try to shift to more of a nightclub atmosphere. Not sure how well that will work tho. It's a good plan where the crowd is service industry heavy, and no one gets off before 10 or 11. (Good example is SIN at HoB, which doesn't really get going until 11, or the now defunct Jungle Jims). But the DS crowd is different, more convention-goers and parents going out for the evening. PI used to get a crowd around 9, then die out around 12:30. CMs will love this, but not sure how much of the guest base they can capture.

Also, even in PI's heyday I don't remember the shops staying open past midnight. That's an extra 19 hours of staffing a week over what DTD shops do now. Not sure added late night sales will offset that.

I also wonder if everyone else will have to stay open late as well. Not a problem for Raglan or Paradiso, but what about DisneyQuest? Or the art galleries that signed leases years ago? Will midnight movies return to the AMC? Raises a lot of questions.

Yes and taken with a large dose of salt.

There is a way this could succeed and that is to create a daytime, early evening and late evening DS. This could be done by varying the type of music, the live entertainment offerings, the lighting, and even the fountain displays. And even the strong suggestion that it is not recommended for families after 10 or 11 at night. Not sure all tenants would go for that such as AMC.

My thinking is that if Disney does cater to the "club scene" later in the evening than any sort of crowd control problems or drunk driving issues would quickly cause them to shut it down. Disney has proven it has zero tolerance for routiness or language that they feel is not reflective of its brand. Some bands that play at other HoBs are not allowed at Disney for example. Can't say I blame them for protecting the Disney brand.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to see the actual language in the contract. The linked story is based on second hand information and it doesn't appear they have seen the contracts. The reason I mention this is simple... The language may include a reference to 2:00am closings, but not that they must stay open until that time every night. It could be written that they must stay open until the posted closing of the district which may be as late as 2:00am. That would actually make sense as Disney would want all everything to close at the same time and have that bound contractually.

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