'07 Vacation Planning Kits out yet?


I figure since WDW is changing from the Happiest Celebration on Earth in the next 2 months, they have to be getting the new planning kits ready to mail. Are they available yet? I get one every year and we're going to be there at the end of October. I really want a new one to watch (over and over!) before we leave. Do you think they'll be sending the new ones out soon? They still have the picture of the current one on the Disneyworld website (where you click to request a free kit). When do they begin sending the new ones?

Thanks in advance for your help!!!!


New Member
I was wondering that myself. I'm guessing the new DVDs will be offered when the 2007 packages are posted on the official site and you can actually put dates in for 2007 quotes. 2007 packages have been rumored to come out sometime in August or September.
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