The new iteration of the series hails from original series creator Linwood Boomer, with original stars Frankie Muniz, Bryan Cranston, and Jane Kaczmarek set to reprise their roles. Disney Branded Television has ordered four new episodes of the beloved sitcom. A premiere date has yet to be set.
Per the official logline, "Malcolm (Muniz) and his daughter are drawn into the family's chaos when Hal (Cranston) and Lois (Kaczmarek) demand his presence for their 40th wedding anniversary party."
Per the official logline, "Malcolm (Muniz) and his daughter are drawn into the family's chaos when Hal (Cranston) and Lois (Kaczmarek) demand his presence for their 40th wedding anniversary party."
‘Malcolm in the Middle’ Revival Set at Disney+ With Frankie Muniz, Bryan Cranston, Jane Kaczmarek Returning
A "Malcolm in the Middle" revival has been ordered at Disney+, Variety has learned. Frankie Muniz, Bryan Cranston and Jane Kaczmarek are returning.