A couple of guys in had ordered the biggest one and we stopped to watch it being made. It was pretty cool to watch the guy as he was doing it. We got a smaller one (heart, I think). It tasted like cotton candy. If you’re in the area, stop by just to watch for a minute.
I couldn’t imagine letting my kid go out on a boat without us when she was 4. In a room designed for kids to play in, sure, but there’s something that makes me nervous about the boat part. Maybe I’m being a bit overprotective or something...
That sounds awesome!
Now that I look at it, it kind of reminds me of the race. Over priced with lots of empty space and just a few interesting bits scattered around...;)
Picked up a glass at the expo. Brought it home and threw it into the dishwasher without a second thought. Most of the cheap “stickers” are now peeling off.
I have a cabinet full of glasses with graphics on them that get washed every week. None of them have issues and they cost half as much...
It’s just for the 5k. I should survive that. I’ll be dressed a little more practical for the half. Still, if you see a belly up King Triton, help a brother out and pour some warm Florida swamp water in my mouth, would ya.
Anyone know how a fake beard fits with the costume policy? I know that masks and things that cover your face are prohibited. The beard covers my mouth and chin so I’m not sure how to interpret that.
What’s King Triton without his beard? A show of his formal self...
As a dad with a 7yo daughter I would give this idea 100 thumbs up. I can’t even fathom the fun/trouble we would get into on our own. Don’t get me wrong - my wife loves Disney and we all enjoy going together. But my daughter and I exist on a different plane of goofy (pun intended). Not to...
Glad to hear you had a good experience, but I think things like this are why people can’t take Guy’s food seriously.
I just can’t not laugh at sauce being distributed from the pelvic area...
Of course it is chicken sandwiches so how seriously should we take it? ;)
My wife and I like to make sure we hit everyone with our backpack/purse as we make our way past the people who stop in the middle of the row. Some toes may also get damaged in the process ;)