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  1. RunDisneyGoer

    Question about Service Dogs

    I have a service dog and I have taken him on rides. It is about knowing your dog and their limitations. This would apply not just to the rides, but to their stamina to be at a park all day and then the weather conditions are also important. Specifically, the rides you mentioned, my dog does...
  2. RunDisneyGoer

    Question about Service Dogs

    Yes you are accurate, I made a post about this... remember that state law doesn't trumpet federal law. So those business' that choose to follow just the state law are taking a real risk. The police can come and have the person removed from their business because they cannot enforce the Federal...
  3. RunDisneyGoer

    Question about Service Dogs

    I am replying to the grammar statement: I am a teacher and whoever does something as silly as that in a non-academic forum is just a more mean person that others (giggle).
  4. RunDisneyGoer

    Question about Service Dogs

    I am sure that someone has already address this, but remember that Federal Law trumpets state law, so just because the law in FL does not cover mental impairments under their law does not mean they are not covered. The only thing it means is...if the person or company is not up on the Federal...
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