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  1. M

    Favorite Ice Cream In Disney

    Dole whip!! Dole whip by far is my favorite anywhere, not even just in disney. My dad told me about it before my first trip when I was 11, and now everytime i go to Magic Kingdom the day just won't feel right without my pineapple dolewhip from aloha isle! Its tradition and the best ever...
  2. M

    Tower Of Terror Music Help!

    Hey guys, I'm in need of some info. In the outdoor queue for TOT there is some great old fashioned ambiant music playing in the background. Does anyone one know who or what song it is, and if so where I can get the music, or download it or anything at all. My roommate is desperate to listen...
  3. M

    wish me luck

    wish me luck I'm nervous! hey all, I've been reading posts for a while, but I've never made one myself. But, I thought today would be the day, because tomorrow I'm finally goin for it- I'm gettin a mickey mouse tatoo (think three circles) I figured his 75th birthday would be the best day to...
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