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  1. C

    Moonlight Magic HS - Will it Happen?

    DHS opens on the 15th so yes it will be open by September. I didn't say they WILL have the event just that they still could. They need something as an incentive to buy DVC direct. I mean they aren't even selling AP's right now so that incentive is gone.
  2. C

    Moonlight Magic HS - Will it Happen?

    Typhoon was already canceled. I"m talking about the DHS event. That will be fully open by then.
  3. C

    Moonlight Magic HS - Will it Happen?

    I don't know. If they were going to cancel it why didn't they ditch it when they ditched Typhoon last week? Also, they need incentives right now to sell direct points. They need to be able to point to some benefit like Moonlight Magic. Can't really say you have the benefit of buy a Gold AP...
  4. C

    News PHOTOS - Cinderella Castle at the Magic Kingdom to receive enhancements this summer

    I'd rather have the cake castle. Seriously those colors are so so bad! Every time I see those pictures the visceral reaction gets worse.
  5. C

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    If that is what they are thinking then why accept reservation starting June 1. It's not like it's hard to get workers back. They're just hanging out in their apartment. It takes one phone call especially with the unemployment debacle the way it is. If I can't even attempt to get unemployment...
  6. C

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    IF they were to open up in stages, I would think they would open to local AP holders first since then they wouldn't be importing any potential virus from other states. In any case I see a possibility of opening in 28 days. Not sayting that will for sure happen but it COULD happen.
  7. C

    June 1st reservations & just not sure

    If you need to use the money now then cancel. If not wait it out. If things go well with opening things up they could be open in as little as 28 days (Florida seems to have entered phase 1 of opening yesterday).
  8. C

    POLL: When are you planning to return to Walt Disney World?

    We will be there in September. If we lived in the area we'd go right away but since we're very far September it is.
  9. C

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    They can't let only resort guests into the parks without extending AP's even longer. They already have to add over 30 days to existing passholders. I doubt they want to add more. I call June for opening. It seems Florida is already entering phase 1 of opening things up. If it goes well then...
  10. C

    What's Still On and What's Now Off

    If they didn't open the parks at close to full capacity people wouldn't go. It wouldn't be worth the money.
  11. C

    April trips canceled by Disney?

    It's OK to hope that your trip will happen. I think it's kind of rotten to just cancel people's trips without any sort of notification. I think most if not all of us realize that early April trips will not happen but it's still not cool when they are officially still stating April 1 the parks...
  12. C

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    So he doesn't even know if he has it. He should stay home but he should also call his doctor to get tested. He should NOT go to the ER unless he's having difficulty breathing but should definitely let his doctor know and get tested.
  13. C

    News PHOTOS - Cinderella Castle at the Magic Kingdom to receive enhancements this summer

    I would expect them to be able to speed the process up. I mean they're paying them so no reason to not have them finish it up.
  14. C

    EPCOT Big changes coming to EPCOT's Future World?

    I would expect for the front entrance to be finished when this closure is done. I mean there's no reason to not get that done especially since they're paying all the employees anyway. Might as well put them to work!
  15. C

    Crowds better or worse on MNSSHP days

    We were there Halloween week in 2019. Went on a party day and the first 2 hours of the day were empty. We walked right on 7dmt at rope drop and the fantasyland pathways were clear. It was sooooo nice! The whole day was really good until around 4pm.
  16. C

    WDW Park Nurses

    You definitely want to work in a hospital setting preferable med/surg or Er to get experience. You need to build up your skills. You will loose a lot of skills working for Disney because the types of things you'll see will be minor. For example you might see someone for a headache or maybe a...
  17. C

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Yes, and reports are that the person diagnosed last night in a Chicago suburb had just returned from Korea.
  18. C

    EPCOT Spaceship Earth Refurb - 2 Year Closure

    Just watched the first 2 videos. 1994 is definitely my favorite. It's the one I remember the best. What struck me though was the short refurb time. Between version 1 and 2 it was only closed 4 days and only 2 months between version 2 and 3!!
  19. C

    EPCOT Big changes coming to EPCOT's Future World?

    Won't the giant beer garden muck up the view?
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