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  1. R

    Night of Joy daytime crowds?

    Thanks for your replies guys. Does anyone know if the Night of Joy affects daytime crowds though?
  2. R

    Night of Joy daytime crowds?

    Hello everyone! We were planning to go to the Magic Kingdom on our first day in Orlando on the 10th Sep which I think is during the Night of Joy. Does anyone know if this affects daytime crowds that much or should we perhaps start at another park? Thanks in advance for any responses...
  3. R

    Help needed to move to Orlando/Disney

    Hello everyone. Sorry to bounce my own thread but I'm still desperate to move to Florida and have had no success with the channels I've tried - I even got a nice note from the Vice President of Disneyworld saying he couldn't help me but good luck. Can anyone help?
  4. R

    Help needed to move to Orlando/Disney

    Thanks for replying Barnum. It is indeed going to be an uphill struggle but I'm determined to succeed. Thanks again.
  5. R

    Help needed to move to Orlando/Disney

    Hello everyone, Can anyone help me? I'm a British citizen living in Brighton, England. Ever since doing the International Program thing around 11 years ago I've wanted to relocate permanently to Orlando and work for Disney. I've been told I can't do the International Program again but last...
  6. R

    Great Movie Ride

    Couldn't agree more Blackride. Surely there is something they could do with the Fantasia area? Maybe, if space is tight a montage of Disney classics on multiple screens?
  7. R

    Great Movie Ride

    Hello everyone. My first post!! Just came back from the States a couple of weeks ago; rode GMR twice and no Alien to be seen. I have to say that the ride's charm lies in the fact that the films that it covers are classics - if you want to see a complate waste of time and space try Armageddon...
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