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  1. R

    What are you listening to?

    There are only 4 great artists of our time and they are the following. 1: Barry Manilow 2: Kenny G 3: Michael Bolten 4: John Tesh. P.S Anyways who the heck is this Speedo Bob guy that every one is comparing my beautiful self to? He does sound like one cool guy though.
  2. R

    Do any of you look like a celebrity?

    I was wondering do any of you fellow Disney people look like a famous celebrity? I myself kinda look like a cross between Fabio, Brad Pitt, and Ben Afflick, only I am a 1000 times better looking then the 3 of them combined. Any ways do any of you guys resemble a celebrity of some sort?
  3. R

    Halloween costumes

    Sorry to break your little heart but I have never seen a woman in real life or on TV or in the Movies that is on par with my beautiful self. It is actually scary how good looking I really am.
  4. R

    Halloween costumes

    I have just joined this site and I already have woman dying to see me in a Speedo.I must admit if you read my profile you might think that I might be just a little full of myself, but if you saw me you would know. I must admit words cannot really describe how good looking I really am.
  5. R

    Halloween costumes

    I do not know what you are talking about, but I must admit, I do look good in a Speedo.
  6. R

    Halloween costumes

    I usually go as a Greek God.
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