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  1. gooftroop5

    Driving or flying????

    I'm all for driving too! We live 17 hours away so sometimes we drive straight through and sometimes we stop. Even with 3 kids we enjoy the experience of driving. No rush, no busy airports. We have our car and can pack what we want. Definitely cheaper for 5 to drive even if we get a hotel...
  2. gooftroop5

    Trip Report When in Disney! June 2015 Trip Report

    Following along! Great TR so far! You took some awesome notes.
  3. gooftroop5

    How Many Days for You? Part 12

    18 days until we leave for vacation. 25 days until we arrive at WDW.
  4. gooftroop5

    Best breakfast buffet?

    We like Crystal Palace and Tusker House for breakfast buffets. We like the character buffets so I'm not sure if you are wanting them or not. Crystal Palace has your traditional breakfast items while Tusker House has a some African flare mixed in. These are two we never miss.
  5. gooftroop5

    I can take my one year old on??

    We have taken our kids as young as 5 months. If it doesn't have a height requirement anyone can ride. I'll give a breakdown of my impressions of some rides. Feel free to ask about any others I don't list.... Animal Kingdom We stayed in the stroller most of the time here, which is fairly easy...
  6. gooftroop5

    How Many Days for You? Part 11

    Woohoo! It's almost FP+ time...........
  7. gooftroop5

    You Can Modify Your Reservation On My Disney Experience!!!!

    We are doing a split stay in July. When the AP discount came out Friday I modified both reservations using the new feature with no problems. It was quick and easy.
  8. gooftroop5

    Stroller help

    We have 3 kids and have always done the sit and stand, but I made the investment a few years ago and it has made 5 trips to WDW so well worth the money. However, I know if you already have one good stroller you probably don't want to invest in a new one. They do have these add-on standing...
  9. gooftroop5

    EMH and transportation....

    Trying to finalize our plans for our upcoming summer trip. For morning and evening EMH what time does transportation begin and end for the MK resorts? We've never stayed at an MK resort so I have no clue about transportation. I know the monorail is having all kinds of refurbs and issues right...
  10. gooftroop5

    Split Stay Thoughts

    Been there. Done that. Won't do it again........with the kids. Packing for 5 people is hard enough and having to pack AGAIN is not how I want to spend my vacation. :eek::D;) We like to settle in and not go anywhere. If it were just me and DH then I would consider it.
  11. gooftroop5

    For those Moms/Dads Who've Been with Kids: Touring Plans?

    Our kids are now 10, 7, and 4 and we have been going to WDW with them for 7 years now. One year I tried to follow a strict touring plan and ended up throwing it out the window. So instead we do as @Weather_Lady has stated and plan little chunks of time giving the kids a huge say in what we do...
  12. gooftroop5

    Memory Maker Opinions

    I'm going to also recommend it! I know CMs will use your camera to take pictures, but only a few. My kids love meeting characters and I love seeing all the candids that the CMs take with photopass. I am always too busy enjoying the moment to worry about taking pictures so I leave it up to the...
  13. gooftroop5

    Trip Report Turning 30 - A two week birthday celebration!

    Holy cow! What great pictures and details. Definitely following along. Can't wait to see more!!!
  14. gooftroop5

    Pre-Trip We're Baaaaack! June 2015 Trip

    Fellow teacher here. Will be following along. We arrive 7/4....... Can't wait to read more!
  15. gooftroop5

    Planning a Trip for the second week in July, Am I crazy?

    My hubby is a school administrator and gets 4 weeks off during the summer that just happen to fall in June/July. We go almost every year during this time. I agree with pp's about staying hydrated and taking breaks. Since you are staying on site you will get to take advantage of extra magic...
  16. gooftroop5

    Good enough for a second ADR?

    Thanks for the great replies! We go to WDW every year, but have yet to experience BOG. My DD will turn 8 during the trip and I think she will love it. I'm thinking I might keep both ADRs for now. We have lunch scheduled the first week and dinner scheduled towards the end of the second week...
  17. gooftroop5

    Via Napoli .... LOVED it!!

    We are finally trying it for the first time in July. Have been reluctant as well. Can't wait!!
  18. gooftroop5

    WDW Food Pictures Of The Day Part II

    My favorite! I know it has been posted a million times before......
  19. gooftroop5

    WDW Food Pictures Of The Day Part II

    Wishes Dessert party.....
  20. gooftroop5

    Good enough for a second ADR?

    We can definitely keep both. I just wondered if 1) it was worth it and 2) is this something a lot of people do? We have our favorites, but I have never thought of booking an ADR twice in one trip. ;)
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