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  1. DillonJoseph

    PI Program/Other Options Post-graduation

    I'm curious to find out how everything worked out for you :)
  2. DillonJoseph

    "Believe" will end in 2011

    Keep in mind, this tragedy happened backstage and not during a show. The trainer wasn't even in the water with the whale when it happened. We take 1 unfortunate situation and ignore the years and years of experiences and shows that didn't end in tragedy.
  3. DillonJoseph

    so when is fastpass + coming?

    I've seen pictures of certain attractions that have already begun implementing the Fastpass + signs. Is that a sign that it could be quickly approaching?
  4. DillonJoseph

    Turtle Talk with Crush. Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor

    When we went to the Laugh Floor a few days before Thanksgiving, my brother was put on the big screen and as I was taking a picture, one of the monsters on screen smiled and we were curious as to how they monsters faces moved to react to what was happening in the audience.
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