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  1. K

    Input Appreciated!

    Me again! ;) The terrible OP who wondered about "sneaking" a baby into our room... We are planning another trip and I just signed into this forum and found this old post. Anyway... yes, I asked this question and apparently came across as a horrible, dishonest human being. As someone above...
  2. K

    Input Appreciated!

    Sorry! I misread. The cheapest on resort is $1000 more. Again, thank you for the input.
  3. K

    Input Appreciated!

    The cheapest is $1000 more. =*( Thank you for your input though.
  4. K

    Input Appreciated!

    Hello! I am new to the forum. We booked our family's flight to FL to visit Disney for 8nights/9days and then are staying in Daytona for 4 more nights to visit family. We are on an extreme budget and need to do this as cheaply as possible. I know that under 3 are free. We have 4 kids- 12, 6...
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