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  1. James White

    If you could design the Disney dining plan-what changes would you make?

    Some interesting responses. Just based on the few responses, I am a little surprised to not see a lot of "LOVE" for the DDP. I have used the plan several times and found it convenient. Part of the fun was doing all the pre-planning prior to the trip and the DDP creates another fun thing to take...
  2. James White

    If you could design the Disney dining plan-what changes would you make?

    As we all know, the Disney dining plans have been put on ice while we the pandemic continues. I feel it is a sure bet that at some point Disney will bring back the dining plans. If you had full responsibility for designing the new Disney dining plan, how would you design them?
  3. James White

    Rule Breaker

    I want to thank all of you for taking the time to share your input and first hand experience. In a way, we are all blessed to have the ability to put forth this much time and effort to engage in the DVC culture. I have tuck away money to pay cash for a decent contract and now realize the many...
  4. James White

    Rule Breaker

    I know the number one rule when buying a DVC is "Buy where you want to stay." Understood. However, there cost difference between Hilton Head (Around $80) and OKW (around $130) is a big delta. Call it $40 per point. If I buy at Hilton Head, how much trouble will I have booking at the various...
  5. James White

    Any regrets? Why shouldn't I buy in?

    Well, I just made my first offer last night for 150 points at OKW. very cheap at $93 per point. After really checking out all the resorts, I feel good about buying in at OKW. Rooms are a nice size, the property has that resort feeling to it and I feel good about making this my home resort...
  6. James White

    Planning a Trip for a Disney Hater

    Dive right in head first. To bad you cannot pull some strings and get him to lead the parade. He will leave a big Disney fan and help plan the next trip.
  7. James White

    Which park has the best lineup of rides?

    Animal Kingdom has really stepped up. For now, they get my vote.
  8. James White

    Who Is Your Favorite Disney Villain.

    Without a doubt, every since I was seven years old and caught the "Legend of Sleepy Hollow" I have always both feared and loved the Headless Horseman. There is so much we do not know about the Headless Horseman but we all fear him. I think it is safe to say there is a little bit of Ichabod in...
  9. James White

    If you had 3 Fast passes for each park-Name your picks

    I have my three rides selected but would like to hear from the experts on the board for their top three rides for FP at each park:
  10. James White

    Should we buy in

    So, here is my plan: I have been planning on buying into DVC for roughly the last ten years. I have been slowly tucking away cash and profits from my secondary day trading activities and I am close to being able to make the purchase. Looking at resale for 160 points at OKW resort. I plan on week...
  11. James White

    Trip Report Meet the Floridians

    TL is better then BB but you have to enjoy the thrill of getting wet, crashing down slides or the best part-wading in the huge wave pool. All are fun. You just need to "let it go."
  12. James White

    The "O'hana Means 'family'" Sept Pre-Trip Report !!!

    Chris You have a great plan of attack for your September visit & I really enjoyed reading your PTR. Thank you for sharing. You are very experienced with the Park. How do you plan a "pub crawl" or a "drink around the park?" This sounds fun but I am sure there is a trick to planning such an event...
  13. James White

    Roll with the tides of life.

    Roll with the tides of life.
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