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    Picture in my signiture?

    How do I get a picture in my signiture? Help!!! :hammer:

    Carousel of Progress Closed

    Say it ain't so!!!!!!!!!!!! My wife and I are leaving for WDW Saturday. We've been getting more and more depressed with each piece of news but this is too much!!!:cry: I first rode CoP at the 1964-65 New York Worlds Fair so it's like an old friend to me. What a way to celebrate Walt's...

    NO MORE CoP!? (October 2001)

    This is just icing on the cake for our upcoming trip! CoP has always been a must ride for me at the MK.:cry: I saw this attraction for the first time at the 1964-65 New York Worlds Fair and was thrilled with it then as well as now. This trip is going to be so different in so many ways.:( I'm...

    Heading for OKW 10/27!

    This trip should be real interesting! We've had this trip planned for months but with recent events we're not as excited about it as we normally would be. I'm new to this forum and I look forward to posting my experiences when I get back. The loss of EE and reduced hours is not a good thing!:(...
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