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    Custodial Team 2012!

    Haha, Well it turns out i didn't mess up on my interview! I got hired as a custodial person! Any one have any stories or any advice!?!?!
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    Just had my phone interview!

    i think my lady said 3-4 weeks. I really hope she didn't. Because it makes me think i wont get in, because my friend was told 2 weeks
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    Just had my phone interview!

    I hope it went well, I really would like to do the college program. My interviewer asked me a bunch of questions i didn't have on my cheat sheet :(
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    Phone Interview set up for friday!!

    I'm applying for the college program. At disneyworld. But i don't wanna work with the food, is there anyway i can avoid that?
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    Phone Interview set up for friday!!

    so i've been reading a lot of these searching for questions that might be asked during the phone interview. I'm making a cheat sheet haha. I've never been to disneyworld or land and I'm worried that might have an effect? Anyways! Any tips or any stories?!
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