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  1. Magicw/aMessage

    Boo-To-You parade + photos

    Actaully it's a brand new sountrack. The old villians unit soundtrack is being used for the castle stage Mix and MIngle party. I dougt they will sell the music becasue it's so new but i have a feeling they will hang onto it for next year becasause people love it so much.
  2. Magicw/aMessage

    Boo-To-You parade + photos

    Malificent's Mix and Mingle Party Almost forgot this.... for those of you who have been to MNSSHP and have seen the Boo-to-you Parade, you may be missing your "Villian Dancers" this year becasue they have been relocated to the castle stage. This year there is a special meet and greet...
  3. Magicw/aMessage

    Boo-To-You parade + photos

    Caretaker is a face role, yes (simply meaning not fur), and the bloodhound is very real...he is adorable and very freindly...if i'm not mistaken he is somewhat on loan and yes he is trained...he has a "gaurdian" who comes with him but he had sometime on his own to just get used to being around...
  4. Magicw/aMessage

    Boo-To-You parade + photos

    Lets just say that by the time we're done sqaure dancing and kicking up our heels there is gonna be a lot of "Blood on the saddle." Hope that helps you out :wave:
  5. Magicw/aMessage

    Boo-To-You parade + photos

    Mickey's Boo to You Parade info Just a few notes....saw this thread and was glad to see some pictures from last night.....what was out last night is the FULL parade. THe units and characters are: -Headless Horesman and pre parade with Omni bus and firetruck with kids in costume + candy candy...
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