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  1. Dottie1979

    Pre-Trip Can we pull this off again? PTR

    Whoehoe...almost time! We Will be joining you from the 18th...and staying for three whole weeks...cant wait!!
  2. Dottie1979

    Disney Village Cafe Mickey

    We have been to café Mickey many times and i am sorry to say: no, there s no dancing on the tables. You can of course dance with the characters but i don't see that happening much. The many tv's show short movieclips and dancing cms. It's fun to watch. If you have any more questions i would...
  3. Dottie1979

    TheNo Distractions, Never say Never and let's eat a garbage can while we are at it Sept 2012 TR

    Okay, I've been reading reports here for soooo long and never replied. But now I HAVE to. Great report and sooooo much fun. Can not wait to go pretty much the Same hotel you will be. Maybe we even meet....would be to scared to even say hi but's
  4. Dottie1979

    A September 2011 Disney Anniversary Pre Trip Report

    This is soooo exciting. We will be celebrating our anniversary there from the 13th till the 20th...and also going to MNSSHP on the 16th!!!!
  5. Dottie1979

    With love from the Netherlands

    Hello everybody My name is Dorothé (dottie for friends) and I' I dare to say it...31 years old. I live in Eindhoven (the Netherlands) with my husband and bunny. I love almost everything Disney and have a dreampass for DLRP. I'm also a DLRP shareholder. This september will be...
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