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  1. D

    Walt Disney World Veterans Needed!

    We're working on the 2005 edition of Making Walt Disney World Vacation Memories, and would like your feedback! If you're a Walt Disney World veteran, and would be willing to complete a questionnaire about your WDW vacation experiences, please email us at We'll...
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    Walt Disney World Veterans Needed!

    We're working on the 2005 edition of Making Walt Disney World Vacation Memories, and would like your feedback! If you're a Walt Disney World veteran, and would be willing to complete a questionnaire about your WDW vacation experiences, please email us at We'll...
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    Pal Mickey

    There's a giveaway going on over at for a Pal Mickey. The contest ends Friday, April 2.
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    New Year 2004 Trip Report

    I finally got around to posting our trip report for December 28, 2003 - January 4, 2004 at Just hit the homepage, go to "Special Events," then click on the New Year 2004 Trip Reports link. Best, Dann
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    Your Disney Expertise Needed

    We're in the process of revising "Making Memories on Your Walt Disney World Resort Vacation" for the 2004 edition, and would like to extend an invitation to all you WDW veterans (whether you've visited 1 or 100 times!) to share your expertise in the new edition to be released in November...
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    Can an adult order off the kids menu at WDW?

    And don't forget... ...the glow-in-the-dark Frisbee at the Sci-Fi at the Studios. Dann
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    El Pirata y El Perico ?

    I think there's a good chance... While it wasn't opened in mid-May, I think there's a good chance for it to be open in August. According to Disney, it's open "seasonally"--or, whenever the heck they feel like it! Dann
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    Cast Members: Sick of the Magic?

    Adding My Appreciation While I am a HUGE Disney fan--and have been since "The (original) Mickey Mouse Club" on TV--I have to say that cast members keep me going back several times each year. Though I try not to be a bother during extremely busy times, I enjoy striking up conversations with CMs...
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    Lawyers for Pooh withdraw

    Good point... Good point, John. If I were a lawyer, I can't imagine withdrawing from a case that I really thought might yield a hefty commission for me and my firm. Something strange seems afoot here.... Dann
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    CTX to Dinosaur

    Yep... I think the Disney folks wanted to synergize the attraction with the release of the movie; hence, the name change. IMHO, I always thought Countdown to Extinction was the better title for the ride, though. Dann
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    Guests wowed by live birth at Rafiki's Planet Watch

    Very Cool! It's great DAK's having such success in breeding the animals. My favorite part of Rafiki's Planet Watch is the ability to see into the surgery. Last visit, I got to see a thorough examination of one of the bats from Asia. Dann
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    NEW MK SHOW INFO....DHR replacement....

    Great news! I'd been wondering when we'd hear more about the Diamond Horseshoe. Have you heard anything about the nature of the show--i.e., plot (if there is one), or is it just a musical type of revue? Thanks...Dann
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    DTD West Side bus stop?

    I've heard two reasons... The first reason was the standard cost-cutting one--trying to stretch Disney's fleet across the Resort without having to make new transportation investments. The other was that the bus system was overtaxed, so in the final analysis, the West Side stop was considered...
  14. D

    Animal Kindom Hours

    Okay, here's proof If you go to the following URL, you'll find a few shots taken of DAK after dark. These pics were taken in December after sunset, when the park was open until 8:00 p.m. I also believe that during the park's first year, it was pretty standard for DAK to be open until 7 or 8...
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    Animal Kindom Hours

    Last December... ...DAK was open until 8:00 p.m. at the end of the month leading up to New Year's Eve. The park is quite beautiful at night, with the subdued lighting providing at least as much illumination as the lights at Magic Kingdom. I'm hoping that, with the opening of Expedition...
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    Park Attendance Trending Upward

    Just read an article on MSNBC that Eisner has stated that park attendance is on the upswing for the summer. Hope the trend continues--and translates into longer park hours and more attractions! Dann
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