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  1. chelle_belle00

    DHS Different way of handling queues?

    We just got back from WDW last week. I have never seen such bottlenecking of people when entering, and trying to leave, ToyStory Land. When are they going to open up another exit, because there is only one way in and one way out. I see it as a safety hazard if something bad were to happen and...
  2. chelle_belle00

    News Gotta Pay2Play: Paid FP on the way!

    All of the participating resorts are Vacation Club resorts. Why aren't OKW or Saratoga on the list? Those are the two resorts we tend to stay at, and we've been DVC members since 2002. They aren't exactly cheap, now that dues have gone up!
  3. chelle_belle00

    First Time Member, Long Time WDW Fan

    So nice to see there are "others" out there who love DW as much as I do. I tell my husband that when he retires, I want to be the Fairy Godmother at Disney World. Of course, that's quite a ways off; my oldest is only 7! I love looking at the photos everyone has put on the site. I seem to be...
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