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  1. D

    I assume you are in charge of this site. Please deactivate and delete my account. I have tried...

    I assume you are in charge of this site. Please deactivate and delete my account. I have tried to do it from my profile and cannot find a way. Please erase all of my personal information from your files. I do not want to be associated in anyway, even historically or as a ghost image floating on...
  2. D

    My Excellent Vacation

    Thanks for the happy note. I have to say I'm a bit surprised. After reading the responses to my post, I read some other threads and I couldn't believe how negative everyone is. I guess I just expected gushing over Disney and not so much anger over everything. To others I'm sorry I didn't...
  3. D

    My Excellent Vacation

    Hello all, I'm new to this forum. I just returned from my first vacation to Disney in about 15 years. I was so excited I wanted to find a place to talk with other Disney fans. I had been to Disney several times in the 80's and early 90's, but hadn't been back in a while, and boy was...
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