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  1. Frightful

    Princess Merida meet 'n greet

    One More Disney Day. But regularly, I don't know.
  2. Frightful

    $200 gift card with Disney Visa Credit Card

    We got a blank card loaded with our points at MK Guest Relations in May. The CM knew exactly what we wanted and was very helpful. I was greatly surprised to find a $200 offer addressed to me, and more surprised to be approved for the card. I'm a student with a paltry income, but my credit...
  3. Frightful

    Going Pro Trip Report, May 7-15 2011

    Interesting, there are monkeys in that area (or some sort of primates that are not called monkeys). I'd love to see the National Zoo someday. 3:40 PM Time to go back to Dinoland AGAIN once more trekking all the way across the park. But hooray for DINOSAUR!. Even I haven't seen...
  4. Frightful

    Going Pro Trip Report, May 7-15 2011

    12:51 PM We had pre-determined that regardless of our current location in the park, lunch would be a Restaurantosaurus, because they have sweet potato fries and a veggie entree that isn't pizza or a burger. OMG is Animal Kingdom huge. It was a trek back to Dinoland. The place was quite busy and...
  5. Frightful

    Going Pro Trip Report, May 7-15 2011

    11:45 AM Time for post-breakfast/pre-lunch in Asia. I got a twisty donut and iced tea from the tea stand and my mom got chicken fried rice from mini-Yak and Yeti. Both good but we were too hungry for pics. We looked around the shops around this area and noticed this lovely fountain which...
  6. Frightful

    Going Pro Trip Report, May 7-15 2011

    Thanks :) I should adjust the colors but I'm not doing that for 1,878 pictures (yeah, 1,878). Hey derelicte19, when did you eat at CP? We did on May 13th. And thanks polymissy, they have been really fun, and a ton of work. Ok so... Sunday May 8th, Mother's Day 8:30 AM or so, a very...
  7. Frightful

    Going Pro Trip Report, May 7-15 2011

    Day 1.5, Saturday Night 7:53 PM Planned on dinner at T-Rex Cafe. Wanted to get going before sunset, but it took a bit longer than planned to get ready to go. That happens with women. The courtyard looked fantastic We wanted to take the boat to DTD because it is cool and unique...
  8. Frightful

    Going Pro Trip Report, May 7-15 2011

    5:13 PM Looked around the shops for a few seconds, got the Simba penny I wanted, Swiss Family Treehouse next. Trying to knock out the slower attractions to save time on Official MK Day. Took our time to admire the lovely views and very interesting engineering of this attraction...
  9. Frightful

    Going Pro Trip Report, May 7-15 2011

    3:00 PM Always loved this Posted wait time was 20 minutes, but we accidentally skipped the new graveyard (thanks for explaining WHY there are two lines, apathetic CM) and made it in 10-15. I have to say, I still love this ride, but was disappointed to find that it has lost some of...
  10. Frightful

    Going Pro Trip Report, May 7-15 2011

    Wow, if I keep up at this rate I may have it all posted before I turn 80. Thanks for the comments everyone, makes me feel special! Now where am I... according to my camera it's 1:48 PM: Poking around on Main Street, had to take a look at the Shiny Things Store. Aw, our first marveling at...
  11. Frightful

    Going Pro Trip Report, May 7-15 2011

    Happy to comply! Once we were rested a bit I revealed my secret plan for the day. We usually head to the pool or DTD on our first day (not that there really is a "usually" when you go once every 4-6 years), but I wanted to go straight to MK like normal people do, to grab a much-anticipated...
  12. Frightful

    Going Pro Trip Report, May 7-15 2011

    OMG. I couldn't get over how beautiful the resort is. I had waffled between POR, POFQ and even CBR and am so pleased with my decision. All the wonderful pictures I looked at before booking, and my mediocre ones, can't do it justice. Oak Manor for us! We loved "our" fountain...
  13. Frightful

    Going Pro Trip Report, May 7-15 2011

    Thanks! There will be a LOT more, heh. I get into this blow-by-blow mode sometimes. 9:25 AM So, Orlando, right? We arrived about 15 minutes early. Beautiful. Weather, perfect. We saw pools and stucco houses and palm trees from the sky. Florida, like for real! As discussed upon takeoff, we...
  14. Frightful

    Going Pro Trip Report, May 7-15 2011

    The very first thing I planned... did not go as planned. I said bed BY 8 PM. As it turns out, it takes quite a while to hideously overpack one huge suitcase, and then we still had to do Mother's Day presents, which were books for the plane (planned that one for months). I think we made it at 11...
  15. Frightful

    Going Pro Trip Report, May 7-15 2011

    Ok. So. The day after I got back from the trip I started at my first ever 2 internships. Interesting to go from senior year exam week to a nonstop touring 9-day vacation to two new [unpaid] jobs. And I learned what this "Post-Disney Depression" thing is about, and didn't want to recap it...
  16. Frightful

    Going Pro Trip Report, May 7-15 2011

    Hey! It's a trip report! Like most WDW enthusiasts I love reading these things (though I seldom leave lurk mode long enough to comment...sorry), and with 32 hours left until we leave the driveway now might be a good time to commence my very first. I aim to please. There will be pictures of both...
  17. Frightful

    How Many Days for You... (Part 6)

    3 days or about 60.5 hours until we leave for the airport!
  18. Frightful

    How Many Days for You... (Part 6)

    11 :lookaroun
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