Search results

  1. Ravenscroft

    What lens changed your photography? (for the better or worse)

    Recently it has been the Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 IS. I used to love taking night shots, wasn't really good at it but I liked it, and now I am all about portraits and "macro". I am also using the Sigma 10-20mm f/3.5 for wide angle and I am liking it too. But day after day that 70-200mm stays on...
  2. Ravenscroft

    Any photo gear on your Christmas wish list this year?

    Don't tell my brother but I bought him a Canon TC80N3 remote. Other than that I didn't ask for anything from anybody, times are tough and I am content with what I have.
  3. Ravenscroft

    ATTN: Photographers - Tripod Question

    FYI, as of about May this year all of the Camera policies at DL have been relaxed, they are still in place but they are relaxed due to 300+ letters sent in by photographers and non-photographers. Disneyland did put the no "professional" looking cameras rule in place due to the Lohan incident...
  4. Ravenscroft

    Official Photography Contest 12/4/09 - 12/10/09 Mickey Mouse

    From Oct 2006 on the way back home from WDW.
  5. Ravenscroft

    Taking gear on attractions

    And this is the exact reason I have the flipside. I carry my camera everyday to and from work, and I live in a major city and take public transit. Generally no one knows what you have in the bag until you open it and pull out the camera. There is a lowepro label on the back but I cut that off...
  6. Ravenscroft

    Question about spam filters

    I am on another forum that uses a similar format, not Disney related, but it has been inundated lately with spam bots and I was wondering what you guys use to block them? Any suggestions would be helpful since i am having to clear out 10-15 spammers everytime i log in, about 3x a day.
  7. Ravenscroft

    Taking gear on attractions

    I suggest, for a bag, the lowepro Flipside 300. It is a great bag and is like a backpack. I carry one everyday to and from work and basically any where I am going. It doesn't have a rain cover built in like the Flipside 400 but you can go to Eastern Mountain Sport and buy a generic rain...
  8. Ravenscroft

    Official Photography Contest 11/13/09 - 11/19/09 Live Animals

    This is a perfect candidate for a LoL Gorilla. Or at least a caption contest. :ROFLOL:
  9. Ravenscroft

    Canon 7D and Nikon D300s - what do you think?

    You are correct sir. The D300s is exactly the same as the D300 but with video and a few video related features, such as the addition of Live View and a selectable frame rate, etc. The 7d on the other hand is a new line from Canon. From what i have seen in reviews and watching my brother and...
  10. Ravenscroft

    Sorry, Another New Camera Thread

    Short answer: I'm not making it a Brand War. Yes bright sunlight doesn't care but the darkness does.
  11. Ravenscroft

    Backing Up Photos

    That wouldn't have worked in this case. Watch this and you will understand:
  12. Ravenscroft

    Sorry, Another New Camera Thread

    I would have to disagree with the low noise thing. The Canon 7D out performed the D300/D300s in a side by side test. Let me find the link for it...... Plus I have seen the 7D in action, since my brother has it, and...
  13. Ravenscroft

    How many photos per visit?

    Exactly!!!! I don't think I have taken a shot in the past 8 months, except for dark rides, that isn't a bracketed shot. 3 exposures for everything, now if I only had the time to create all the HDRs I have.......
  14. Ravenscroft

    Backing Up Photos

    The only reason I am this crazed about backing up is that my brother lost 45,000+ images, that he had on hard drives in the apartment he was in, to fire. The entire complex burnt down over a year ago and it emphasized the point of backing everything up off site. He was always telling me to...
  15. Ravenscroft

    Backing Up Photos

    So I did a search and didn't find a dedicated thread to backing up photos so if their is one I apologize. For trips: - First line of defense for me is to leave memory cards full, but sometimes I need more space so I delete them, and YES I already backed them up before. - I use a laptop to...
  16. Ravenscroft

    How many photos per visit?

    Always have more than you think you need because if something crops up that you want a shot of and you already maxed out your total it is nice to have backup. Currently have: 3x 8GB Extreme III (newer ones when I realized I needed more) 3x 4GB Extreme III (first 3 I bought for the current...
  17. Ravenscroft

    Tilt-shift photography

    I remember that one, I like the song in it too. I have been searching for shots that I can use to do fuax Tilt-Shift, still haven't found one yet.
  18. Ravenscroft

    Incredible Hi ISO shots on the new Nikon D3

    I tried posting info on the new Canon 1Ds Mark IV but apparently it was not liked by the site. (shrugs) Anywho, I like the Mark IV better after seeing video shot with it, in 1080p and capable of shooting video in ISO 6400 at that. For $5000 this is definitely worth every penny, now I just need...
  19. Ravenscroft

    Incredible Hi ISO shots on the new Nikon D3

    Eh, I like the new Canon that was announced early this week: It has 1080p video too with multiple frame rates and a whole...
  20. Ravenscroft

    The Hat made it into a book about HDRs

    I was searching my twitter feed this morning and came across this: frederickvan RT @TreyRatcliff: Finally! "A Sneak Peek at 'A World in HDR'" at #hdr #photog Cool! About 3/4 of the way down, The Magic of Disney. Trey mentions that this shot was never possible without...
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