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  1. Adina

    Does Michael Jackson belong at WDW?

    I think it was a good move for WDW to bring back Captain EO. While I do agree they probably wouldn't have brought it back if Michael Jackson hadn't died, it's still better (in my opinion) than Honey I Shrunk the Audience and while it may not be "new", it's still brought some new excitement to...
  2. Adina

    Kim Possible Adventure Game...?

    So I just found out that I'll be working in Epcot for the Kim Possible game that started in January.. I haven't been to Disney since October so I haven't been able to play. Has anybody played? Or maybe even work there? Or even just know what kind of duties I would have? Any information would...
  3. Adina

    Too old for another CP?

    I have to agree with everybody here, you're definitely not too old to do the cp! I also know of many people in their 40's and 50's doing the program, I never thought of them as out of place or anything.
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