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  1. M

    Haven't been in a long time...

    You are right, I just 2009. However, I made the mistake of bothering to offer an opposing viewpoint, with facts, and when this is done, I will go back to not wasting my time. My post number will not grow. I am always amused by the measurement that the number of posts equates to...
  2. M

    Haven't been in a long time...

    Try doing some research online? I wouldn't have bothered posting unless I already did. Here is a sampling... Easter 2012, on April 8, is right in the middle of the possible range. President’s Day 2012, on February 20th, as almost as late as it can be. As a result, 2012 Spring Break...
  3. M

    Haven't been in a long time...

  4. M

    Haven't been in a long time...

    I'm guessing you are using anecdotal evidence since you are a local. This year, with a later President's Day and Easter in April, the first week of March will be fairly light. Starting that weekend, Saturday the 10th, crowds will exponentially increase. There are a fair number of colleges...
  5. M

    our seemingly quarterly sueing of Disney

    Doesn't matter about the temp. She would have gotten 3rd degree burns from anyone's coffee. Everyone that serves hot coffee has been sued for 3rd degree burns (Starbucks, Burger King, Dunkin Donuts, etc). By the way, they settled for around $600K. Here bills were less than 20K.
  6. M

    Tomorrowland Ball Back

    And here is some flotsam and jetsam right on cue. Anything positive and someone will club it to death with something negative.
  7. M

    Tomorrowland Ball Back

    Thanks for this. It gets really old when there are so many that pop off without any knowledge whatsoever and when they get called on it, they hide behind semantics like I didn't "insist." It is hard to wade through the flotsam and jetsam to get to actual information. It's tiring.
  8. M

    New Small World Merchandise that makes you go hmmm

    I thought when I said "most" and "majority" I was acknowledging there were exceptions.
  9. M

    New Small World Merchandise that makes you go hmmm

    I would point out that most of the additions are not Disney Characters. The majority added come from recognized literature from the respective counties long before Disney made them into movies. The dolls use the classic head and face that Mary Blair designed and don't reflect the animated...
  10. M

    Haunted Mansion movie...WITHOUT EDDIE MURPHY!

    This will make a lot of people happy...yesterday, at Comic Com, del Toro said the the Hatbox Ghost will be the central character. This is alluded to in the concept art. I would imagine this will fuel the talk of re-instating the long lost Hatbox Ghost in the actual HM(s). Also, there was a...
  11. M

    Lights of Winter not being displayed this year (2009)!?!

    I do not want to spread misinformation, so I did a follow-up call. Just asked for facts, not assumptions. The arches were moved from the x-mas section a while ago and it was assumed that they were getting painted and perhaps fitted for LEDs. So I do not really know anything other than the...
  12. M

    Lights of Winter not being displayed this year (2009)!?!

    I just checked and they are being painted to be made show ready. I didn't see them myself, but I just checked with someone at Epcot. Feel pretty confident in that information. Hopefully, everyone will be able to take a breath and relax.
  13. M

    WDI currently working on Jungle Cruise

    Hilarious. You make blanket statements about CMs, stereotyping them by employment status or age and when someone says they don't understand you're logic, you say, if you don't like it, deal with it. Priceless. I also can't wait for your next post where you will once again tell us that fill-in...
  14. M

    Disney to buy Marvel Entertainment

    From the AP at 9:12 am LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The Walt Disney Co. says it is acquiring Marvel Entertainment Inc. for $4 billion in cash and stock, bringing characters like Iron Man and Spider-Man into the Disney family. Under the deal, Disney will acquire ownership of 5,000 Marvel characters...
  15. M

    Disney to buy Marvel Entertainment

    Iger just specifically mentioned using the Marvel characters at SOME Disney theme parks (restrictions due to current agreements), but the message is clear that he sees this as a significant asset to the theme park division of Disney.
  16. M

    Disney to buy Marvel Entertainment

    Disney to pay about 4 Billion in cash and stock. More info to come, this just broke, but the possibilities and implications are endless. This kind of boggles the mind...
  17. M

    An Explorer's Notes: Magic Kingdom and World News and Pictures

    Those could still be LEDs. Here is a PAR20 bulb that is actually 36 Superbright LEDs: These come in two types of white, blue, green, red, amber and RGB. Recently, there have been a lot of LED releases that look, at first glance, like incandescent. I've seen ones that screw right into regular...
  18. M

    Beastly Kingdom Is Back

    Sometimes these things get out if there are third-party vendors involved. This is more likely with new attraction designs as opposed to fixing an existing problem. We have NDA's with Disney and Universal and don't use attraction names on our internal paperwork even, (not that it matters, they...
  19. M

    Major LBV/DTD Hotel Refurb Announced for WDW

    I don't get where many of the mega-posters here are coming from, and what they are trying to accomplish. This thread is an example. Couple of things I need help understanding... 1) Why is there a need to tell people that something that is posted is not important or relevant? HI is spending a...
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