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  1. T

    TSM Troubles

    Could the next-generation queue system they've tested at RnR and HM be applied to TSMM? I haven't followed the next-gen queue stuff too closely, but might it alleviate some of these queuing-related problems (although it would do nothing for capacity issues)?
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    Best Hotel for honeymoon?

    I usually stay at Pop Century (a value resort) and while I love it for normal visits, you might want something with a different "feel" for a honeymoon. As others have said, if you can afford it, you may want to concentrate your search on the moderates and deluxes because they have a more...
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    Nervous about Star Tour 2 "Upgrades"

    Perfectly said. I agree completely. I grew up after the originals were released, but I rode Star Tours before the prequels came out. Nothing about Star Tours seemed uncharacteristically outdated because it looked/felt/sounded the same as the original trilogy. If you visually compare the...
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    Booking Trip , need opinions

    I might have imagined this, but I seem to remember people saying it was unusually warm last fall (September/October). So you might have just gotten a fluke year. It might be worth perusing old posts and trip reports to investigate. On the other hand, the dates you're talking about in...
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    Trip Report July 26-August 4 (pre, during, and post)

    Just read the whole trip report. It sounds like everyone had a fantastic time!!! And your daughter with Drizella was just flat out adorable. I'm sure that's a memory that she will always remember about this trip. Thanks for sharing your trip report!
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    I don't know where to start!

    If you're going to talk to an agent, I'm sure they'll be able to tell you everything you'll need to know (including whether or not the Dining Plan is right for you). We don't use the Dining Plan; we find that it gives us too much food, we could get a better deal with a room-only discount, or...
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    Possible Increase in Ticket Prices

    This is a great point. AllEars* has a page that lists historic ticket prices, including what increases have been the past few years; I quickly looked again just now, and according to this, the increases last year seem to have been pretty consistently less than $10 per person ($6 for adults, $8...
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    A few Questions for my next trip in Jan.

    If we're going to eat at AK, we eat at Yak and Yeti (the table-service version). It's no Le Cellier, but we really like it. The food is Asian-style; I usually get the Chicken Lo Mein. We find the service to be good (although like anywhere else there can be exceptions), portions were...
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    The Culmination of It All - Tom & Sarah's WDW HONEYMOON Pre-Trip Report

    Another vote for the Cream Cheese Pretzel! I had one on my last trip, and it was amazing. Only, I got mine in Fantasyland (there was a snack stand near Ariel's Grotto - Scuttle's Landing, or something similar?) and I would assume it's the same thing, so, if you're in FL and happen to need a...
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    Progress at Everest!

    Not to get too far off-topic, and I apologize if this is a silly question (and I'm sure it's been asked/discussed before, but I've never been able to find an answer... besides people simply claiming something along the lines of TDO is just evil :p), but why is TDO so opposed to maintaining the...
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    How do you handle the suspense????

    Good to see that the consensus is that there is NO way to handle it, lol. We're all useless before a trip, I guess. :ROFLOL: Trip reports are a good way to pass the time (either read other people's, or start your own!). Looking at WDW photos on Flickr, watching Youtube videos (which you...
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    For International Disney Visitors

    If I could live at WDW for 3 or 6 months, I totally would too, lol. But my school wouldn't give me credit for that (not even for the College Program :(). Is it just Dublin that's so expensive, or is it all of Ireland/Europe? I'm still deciding between Ireland and a few other cities, some in...
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    For International Disney Visitors

    Good to know... I'm seriously considering studying abroad in Dublin before I graduate. Guess I'll have to stock up before I leave! :ROFLOL: (You're correct, they are indeed Mike and Ike's - they're my sisters favorite :) ).
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    How do you do it?

    Haha... trying to look good in WDW is certainly an adventure. My sisters and I decided last time that it should be an unspoken rule that when you're in WDW, you can look however you want and no one should judge since it's the happiest place on earth. I end up pulling my hair up pretty much...
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    My favorite scene n the Great Movie Ride is.....

    My favorite is the montage at the end as well. Every time I see it, it makes me want to go back and just watch movies for a long time. :D
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    Out of all the attractions in WDW which one has the most comfortable seat or ride car

    The seats in Soarin' are pretty good. It's not that comfortable, but the only place I've actually dozed off in at WDW (resorts aside, of course) was on the EPCOT loop monorail once. :lookaroun
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    Favorite WDW Smell

    Maybe it's just me (likely) but I feel like mornings at WDW have a distinct scent. The combination of that "Disney air" and the early morning humidity... I don't know. It just feels like Disney to me. My other favorites are Splash Mountain and the Land. :)
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    What was it like during AK's opening?

    I was there not too long after it opened (I was eight or nine then, so it feels like a really long time ago) and I wasn't terribly impressed. I thought everything LOOKED great, and I enjoyed the attractions that were there (especially KS), but I was expecting it to be like the other parks with...
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    Disney Night Kingdom

    How much were they rumoring to charge?
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    CP - Disney-Selected Roommate?

    I know there are several different ways of finding a roommate for the CP, like rooming with someone you know, finding someone on Facebook, or having Disney match you with your roommate. I haven't been able to find much information about how having Disney select your roommate works, though, and...
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