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  1. M

    American Idol Poll

    I attended a noon American Idol Show on a recent trip. I am not a big fan of the real show, so I was kind of sceptical. The show itself was ok. It really depends on whosw performing. Better performers would make a better show.The ones in my show were good. The saff in the theater made the...
  2. M

    Castle: Attraction or a dressing room?

    I noticed that too. I was at the park recently and it was open for people to pass through for about 20-30 minutes. The walk through the castle was one of my favorite things to do during my trips to disney and now you can't even enjoy it.
  3. M

    Superbowl MVP parade

    Here we go steelers, here we go Pittsburgh's gonna win the super bowl. WDW here we come
  4. M

    Early March Visit

    I was wondering if anyone could tell me how busy the parks are in early March. My family has been there twice in Nov. and this will be our first trip in March. Any ideas?
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