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  1. C

    Official Photography Contest 4/28/12-5/4/12 Silliness

    am I missing the pictures? I would love love love to see silly pictures. Nevermind I see the picture, now that I am writing a reply? Confused.
  2. C

    My son has a question for all 4yrs old

    how we get ready I have never done a calendar before, but this year I might give that a try. We usually watch our old videos over and over. This is good for us, my son is mildly autistic. If he was scared before, I edit those portions out of the video. He sees only the good, forgets...
  3. C

    touring plans

    Okay, so I was checking out the unoffical guide to disneyworld book. The book suggests that I visit The website wants money for an ittenary of what to do at Disneyworld. Are these ittenaries worth it? There are not much, but I just want to know if I am wasting my money.
  4. C

    Child with developmental delays

    Thanks everybody for your help. We have decided to play it by ear. We will go to Disney and try it first without the GAC card, see how he does compared to the other toddlers in line. If I notice a difference between him and the others I will definetly ask for the GAC card. Is the GAC a card...
  5. C

    Child with developmental delays

    Hello, I have a 2 year old child w/developmental delays. We are recieving therapies three times a week for speech, ot, and pt. Right now, he has labeled w/develpmental delays b/c I can not be seen by children's hospital until august. No one will give an official dignosis until then, but...
  6. C

    HM, POTC and Tiki, Country Bears with Children 3 & Under?

    Sorry, fairly new to the site. We hit our 90 day mark today. I am trying to find things for my 2 year old son when we go, but I don't know code yet. What is HM or POTC?
  7. C

    Is Dining plan worth it now? Please Help

    Wait, why aren't the appetizers included? When did this happen!!?? It this is the case I have been misleading my family on their meals.
  8. C

    entertainment ideas?

    Do I need to make reservations for Nemo the musical?
  9. C

    entertainment ideas?

    If you have seen me post before. I am traveling with 5 adults & 1 child age ranges 27, 34, 56, 54, 77, and 2. So, the thrill riding won't be happening when my husband and I return. We will be coralling a 2 year old and a few senior citizens (young senior citizens that don't do thrill riding)...
  10. C

    visiting different resorts

    Thanks, for the feedback. Now I know not to try it.
  11. C

    visiting different resorts

    Okay, I know this may sound crazy. We are staying at port orleans french quarter. We wanted to visit different resorts during our vacation, are you allowed to swim in the other resort pools?
  12. C

    dinner suggestions!?!?!

    We are taking our family vacation in June. WOO HOO!!:sohappy: There will be six of us going. My husband age (33), myself (27), my 2 1/2 year old son, my mother (54), my dad (56), and my mamaw (a fairly active 76 w/o illness or disabilities), she has never been on a vacation before. We have...
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