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  1. 2

    New(to Me) Places to Eat

    We're not huge quick service people since we usually go during the F&W festival, but I would highly recommend the quick service restaurants in World Showcase, such as the one in Germany, great brats, Japan, great pot stickers, Morocco, great anything... Have fun and be sure to try something...
  2. 2

    Holding in a laugh at disney.

    The funniest thing is that I was the one who always wanted to go on the ride, but couldn't drag my boyfriend anywhere near it. After 3 trips and 3 beers at the Brown Derby he was finally ready to go, and I was the one who turned out to be the bigger chicken. (Don't tell him I said that.) :p
  3. 2

    Holding in a laugh at disney.

    I can tell you something embarrassing that I did. The first time I went on ToT I didn't know about the handles. Every time we dropped I tried to grab for something to hold on to, which most often ended up being the knee of the stranger sitting next to me. Needless to say I scurried off that...
  4. 2

    5 Hrs and I'm too excited...

    We leave in 8 hours! I haven't slept yet, but it's only 11:00 here. Food and Wine here we come! :slurp:
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