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  1. wickedsoccer22

    Comcast in talks to buy Dreamworks Animation

    Illumination Entertainment is owned by NBCUniversal.
  2. wickedsoccer22

    New Survey from Universal on Airport Transportation

    After 6 parking at CityWalk is lowered to $5 for non-Florida residents and is free for Florida residents. After 10 parking is usually free.
  3. wickedsoccer22

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Except Universal is not looking at Kong as something that will entice visitors all on its own. They see Kong as simply another marquee attraction that adds to their exiting resort offerings and will market it as such.
  4. wickedsoccer22

    Volcano Bay

    I wouldn't suggest anyone plan a visit to Wet & Wild after next summer.
  5. wickedsoccer22

    Big Hero 6

    I was extremely disappointed in the film. Went into the theater fairly excited but left with no desire to watch it again for a while. Wish I could have enjoyed it. While visually stunning, I felt the plot was very predictable and had subpar humor.
  6. wickedsoccer22

    PHOTOS - United World Soccer opens at Downtown Disney West Side on May 22

    Third party. There's also one located at the Florida Mall.
  7. wickedsoccer22


    Agree 100% here. Immediately upon hearing the opening music I knew this movie was going to be good. If you haven't heard it yet, I recommend it. (No plot spoilers in the music, just great at setting the tone)
  8. wickedsoccer22

    Flies. Lots of Flies.

    Some advice.. if able to avoid eating at the Dolphin hotel, I would. Last time I was there, not long ago I might add, I saw a Palmetto bug crawl across the counter at The Fountain and know that they have a big issue with them in the kitchens.
  9. wickedsoccer22

    Hall of Presidents Down 2/18/13

    The last time I was in the attraction (August) the entire audience applauded for Obama. They didn't smear, boo, or cheer for him.. but applauded. Being it was in the midst of an election, I was very impressed with the maturity of the audience. It should be like that every time.
  10. wickedsoccer22

    Congress Questions Next Gen

    Why be so condescending if there isn't anything to hide?
  11. wickedsoccer22

    Al Lutz: "Management must stop bending over to pick up pennies as dollars fly over their heads"

    Not that I'm a real Avatar advocate (I only like it because it could add something to DAK), but I think it's a little bit of an unfair comparison since Avatar is one movie so far and you are comparing it to franchises that have 7 movies, 4 movies, 6 + 3 additional, and then 4 + 2 additional...
  12. wickedsoccer22

    Multiple ride issue this morning. (11/10/12)

    Nope. Flotsam and Jetsem each have one yellow eye
  13. wickedsoccer22

    Cameron has given the OK ...

    Because Animal Kingdom needs something. Disney acqiring Lucasfilm doesn't do anything to solve that problem.
  14. wickedsoccer22

    MK Tangled Rock Work Taking Shape

    Better than an entire land like what was originally planned..
  15. wickedsoccer22

    DAK Avatar starts filming this fall...2,3 and 4 to be filmed at same time.

    You people are too nit-picky. You do realize this is a director and writer with an unbelievable track record for box office and critical success? He's a perfectionist and is known for being overly critical of his own work until he deems it perfect. I don't think these films are going to flop at...
  16. wickedsoccer22

    Doubting Avatar

    I still don't understand why so many people are vehemently opposed to a new area of a stale park that could be amazingly detailed and scenic. Especially when the alternative could be.. nothing.
  17. wickedsoccer22

    The American Idol Experience closing for short refurbishment in June

    It get's decent audiences throughout the day and usually the finale shows are near full. During the summer almost every show was full (or well, they all were last August). They also have that video board outside the building that attracts a number of people as well. They actually did really well...
  18. wickedsoccer22

    Theme Park Music

    Here is the list of songs from the pre show: Jalan Kopo- Sabah Habas Mustapha Busindre Reel- Hevia Gaviotes- Hevia Tula- Cusco Falling through a Cloud- Uttara-Karu Our Life- Uttara-Karu <--- personal favorite You can find all of those on iTunes.
  19. wickedsoccer22

    Avatar 2 and 3 Delayed??? The Effect on Avatarland at WDW...

    So you're saying if Disney and James Cameron design a ride that everyone starts talking about (like Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey, Mission Space, Soarin', etc) people won't come? :lol: If Disney designs the land correctly, it won't matter how successful the next two films are because...
  20. wickedsoccer22

    5th Park Opening in Time for WDW's 50th (Jim Hill)

    Night Kingdom was a very real project Disney was doing and it was was definitely way past Blue Sky. I know I have zero credibility here since I am only a lurker but I, along with about 10 others, was once given a presentation by Disney on the Night Kingdom concept. I can go into all the details...
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