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  1. M

    Best year to sell?

    Hi - an odd question likely, but has any one worked out the math to determine when the years to expiration truely begin to negatively impact the resale value? If I’m being unclear, I think at some point the value of a point will drop due to is closing in on its valueless date. The numbers...
  2. M

    Reservation expansion

    Bad data leads to bad conclusions… and so does incompetence with that data. That pains me as a data guy to say, but with all of the “bad” changes going on at Disney somebody must have really flubbed this effort up…
  3. M

    Rumor - Depp back as Sparrow?

    Faith… hopefully the stock market will recover, Americans will be philosophically reunited or brought closer together, Disney will stop corporately “eating its own” and remember what value and quality are, and there will be another GOOD Pirates movie with Depp at the helm. At least I hope that...
  4. M

    Bad news for Disney and me

    They read the ”Board Book” the Chapek crew provided and live in a rich kid/celebrity bubble. They have no clue on value, and are oblivious to the damage they are doing to the goodwill of the firm. As a (trivial) stockholder I call for a suit to have them all removed for incompetence and...
  5. M

    Disney to mandate full vaccinations to employees

    Agreed, but the personal attacks and the utter lack of any appreciation for the other point of view by a few folks I see as propagandists has to be fought. I‘m not at all unhappy with the argument I’ve made, I think it’s important, and I won’t let them win. …but I’d be lying if I said I...
  6. M

    Disney to mandate full vaccinations to employees

    …oh, and I’d never ask you to trust me. I’d ask you to review the information available to you, evaluate its source, the prior veracity of that source, that source’s motivations, and to use you own abilities to make the decision you believe is best for you and those you love. What you’re...
  7. M

    Disney to mandate full vaccinations to employees

    Nope… I used to work in healthcare stats… same issues around child mortality (I.e. in the US we track all our dead babies, and hence one of the reasons our numbers are so poor as compared to the ROW.
  8. M

    Disney to mandate full vaccinations to employees

    And I challenge you to find out how many people Covid actually killed. You can’t as the manner in which the stats are collected if the person had it, whether or not it was a contributing comorbidity, it’s counted as Covid…
  9. M

    Disney to mandate full vaccinations to employees

    … have fun with your ad hominem attacks… it only shows you for what you are.
  10. M

    Disney to mandate full vaccinations to employees

    … look at my history. I have never posted anything like this before but the people (…like yourself) lining up to “drink the Kool Aid” is insane, and to hold Disney in anything but contempt for doing this is equally insane. If they really cared they would have made it for anyone who has guest...
  11. M

    Disney to mandate full vaccinations to employees

    Exactly! So stop saying it’s safe.
  12. M

    Disney to mandate full vaccinations to employees

    Agreed! And I won’t reiterate it all, but if a big employer such as Disney is allowed to contravene basic human rights and get away with it, they may as well allow them to ignore all human rights and our freedoms. You may argue we as individuals don’t have a right to self determination around...
  13. M

    Disney to mandate full vaccinations to employees

    You are just missing it: they were absolutely well intended FROM THEIR POINT OF VIEW.… step back and consider if in 5 years from now we learn the vaccine causes sterilization in people with blue eyes who take it. Or causes people with diabetes to go deaf. You can’t know…. Couple that with...
  14. M

    Disney to mandate full vaccinations to employees

    Best post I’ve seen around the legality. Some Genuine questions: - Roe v Wade - bad law, but the personal right to direct your own body. - The 5th amendment (the right to refuse medical care) &...
  15. M

    Disney to mandate full vaccinations to employees

    Generally I’d agree, if not for general necessitated applicability (I.e. How does having or not having a high-risk, potentially ineffective medical procedure impair your ability to effectively do your job?). Then it comes down to coercion, which is tantamount to extortion. The latest late...
  16. M

    Disney to mandate full vaccinations to employees

    Good question! A 24-36 month RCT against a broad spectrum of volunteers, regionally and geographically diverse, conducted by a trustworthy, independent and reputable third party. (Not Pharma who want to sell a drug and not government who doesn’t care if it kills or maims 2% of the population...
  17. M

    Disney to mandate full vaccinations to employees

    Honestly, there is no reliable source of information any one can believe in. The government is perceived as untrustworthy through both evil and incompetence (e.g. the 2020 election, the Bush v Gore issue, past problems with FDA approvals, the shear insanity we encounter from them in our daily...
  18. M

    Disney to mandate full vaccinations to employees

    Within reasonable norms! How is "I won't hire any one who doesn't drink bleach" and "I won't hire Asians" and "I won't hire any one who voted for ______" any different than "I won't hire any one who doesn't want to take a vaccination that HASN'T even been approved by a corrupt and untrustworthy...
  19. M

    Disney to mandate full vaccinations to employees

    You have to accept that the scientific community has lost all credibility. It has been corrupted by scandal after scandal. (Wine is good for you, now not good for you... Global warming to global cooling to anthropomorphic climate change to climate change, and on and on...) Medical isn't far...
  20. M

    Disney to mandate full vaccinations to employees

    Well, I do have to disagree - When the kids are back to school (College & lower), we'll see an explosion of cases. But they likely will be trivial growth in hospitalizations and mortality. BUT again, the press and government will go nuts, but it will still grow due to flu season coming up...
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