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  1. J

    I am sick of it

    The problem is the confusion that the Disney Management has achieved in the public among its animated products; in the past, there was no features for TV or straight to video. There were Features for the big screen, and that was it. Awaiting for the next Disney to hit the screens was a big event...
  2. J

    Disney Animation lost Treasure (Part III)

    Disney Animation Lost Treasure (reply) Well, gentlemen, thanks for your courteous replies; at last some people who care about the essential; Yes all this world of Magic was built upon the phenomenal success of the grand Disney Animation; yes, as a former Roger Rabbit animator and Disney...
  3. J

    Disney Animation lost Treasure (Part III)

    Well given the amount of responses compared to other threads, it seems that not very many people out there seem at all concerned about the death of Disney Animation in the grand tradition. I guess Mr Eisner and his minions have got a bright futur still ahead of them, selling their garbage in the...
  4. J

    Disney Animation lost Treasure (Part II)

    Lost Treasure reply I couldn't agree more with what you said; In effect, eventhough making money is paramount in this business like in all business, you have to allow your artists to stay fresh and to renew their style while endeavouring all the time into new realms. I think the japanese...
  5. J

    Disney Animation lost Treasure (Part II)

    In my first thread "Disney Animation the lost Treasure" I ventilated my anger over the fact that the grand tradition of Classical Disney character Animation is disappearing before our eyes. Perhaps lots of readers wondered what I was talking about; On the surface it seems that we've never seen...
  6. J

    Disney Animation the lost treasure

    Being a former Disney animator and manager, I am very sad to see the end of "Disney Animation in the grand tradition" occuring before our eyes. Yet nobody seems to care or to be aware of the great loss. Management would have us believe that everything is rosy in a pinkish world. But not so my...
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