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  1. cphorrocks

    A Note of Thanks to "Cinderella"

    I had a very magical moment at the Magic Kingdom on Saturday. I was seated on the curb, watching the SpectroMagic parade go by. I have been celebrating my birthday this Saturday, June 2, and had gotten a birthday pin from Town Hall. As the Cinderella's coach float went by, Cinderella seemed...
  2. cphorrocks

    What would you put in a "Disney Survival Kit"?

    Crocs should never be worn anywhere except in, like, a dorm or campground shower. Talk about a fashion don't! Do you really want to look like Mario Batali? Do you? Flip flops are a perfectly acceptable alternative and come in all kinds of great styles. The same goes for packs and those...
  3. cphorrocks

    What would you put in a "Disney Survival Kit"?

    Baby wipes. After a hot sweaty day in the sun, wiping your face with a cool, fresh-smelling wipe is a great pick-me-up. I never travel anywhere without. Good when you get off the plane, too.
  4. cphorrocks

    question about gay days

    I would also note that many Gay Days events occur at private venues -- not in the parks! -- and require a paid-for ticket for admittance.
  5. cphorrocks

    question about gay days

    I've held hands and, yes, even stolen a kiss from my date when I've visited Disney parks in the past -- and not at Gay Days, for that matter. Gay couples in public are a fact of life in 2007; certainly where I come from, anyway, which is Philadelphia. I may be a bit spoilt, as my brother and my...
  6. cphorrocks

    Where's Maximillian?

    I'm given to understand that the life-sized model of Maximillian, the killer robot from "The Black Hole", is located somewhere in Disney-MGM. Does anyone know where it may be seen? == Chris
  7. cphorrocks

    how many more days for you?

    A mere 30 days to go until the magic begins!
  8. cphorrocks

    Start Dieting for WDW trip PART II

    I never knew this thread was here, and I thought I was the only one slimming down for Disney World! I'm a man, almost 34, and 6'1", and have been heavy all my adult life. I finally decided to take charge of the situtation shortly after my birthday last June, when I weighed 310 pounds. By...
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