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  1. disney_yeti

    How long do you stay in the parks on a given day?

    because of the rest of my family, I only go open to close when we're staying at a hotel. All of the other times I go its usually around opening to 4 pm.
  2. disney_yeti

    Monorails to no longer operate during Evening Extra Magic Hours

    I feel like this whole cutting costs by shutting down EMH mono service-thing was kind of linear if ask me.
  3. disney_yeti

    You Know you're an Epcot enthusiast/appreciator if... (complete the sentence)

    you listen to every single Epcot Center song (past & present) in the days you aren't at Epcot
  4. disney_yeti

    The Country Bears Re-Imagined?

    if anything they should update the animatronics system for this show. The times I do see this show, some of the animatronics don't work. I'm positive Disney has the technology. I guess this is just one of those wishes...:brick:
  5. disney_yeti

    Redone Muppetvision??

    I think digital would work. I was wondering if they would add walter somehow. maybe in the preshow or as a soundbyte.
  6. disney_yeti

    Redone Muppetvision??

    If the new Muppet movie is as big of a success as I think it will be, there could be the possibility of a redone Muppetvision in the parks. It just seems like a no-brainer to me.
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