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  1. N

    Disney bus ran over a guest at the Contemporary

    I was once talking to a CM at DHS and he told me no one has ever died on Disney Property, because they wait to pronounce them at the hospital.
  2. N

    Disney Transport Bus in Texas

    Lost Buses We were talking with one of the drivers as we were heading back from downtown and she was telling us of many different stories where the bus driver had got lost and in one particular incident the driver dropped off the passengers at what was the old hotel row and drove off and quit...
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    Kids Thrown Out Of Disneyworld

    Good for Disney I took my family in mid February 2007 and there were soccer and cheer leader competitions going on, it seemed like the parents let the kids run free, we were woke up several times throughout the week with children running through the resorts and making alot of noise in the...
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