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  1. chowee03


    wow i'm so sorry i haven't been on. i went through going to the hospital yesterday. appendicitis sucks very much. we also had a lockdown at our school on monday because two people had guns, and one of them was arrested 5 feet in front of me and my best friend. then all of us in the library...
  2. chowee03


    why thank you. and it's not all that fun. seeing how most of my friends already have their licenses and i'm not even eligible to get my PERMIT yet. so how're you (the reader of this reply) on this beautiful saturday afternoon?
  3. chowee03


    i'm Chloe.:wave: I'm 15 and a half. I don't care who knows it because I will never be dumb enough to give my information to a total stranger, unless of course they claim they are micky mouse. xD just kidding. I'm random. Probably one of the most hyper-est people you will ever meet. I'm a huge...
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