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  1. S

    What has the wait been lately?

    My family is headed that way in a couple of days. The last time we were there...December 3.10 2005...the crowds seemed large for what I expected. Before that my husband and I were there in early Februrary 2004 and it was wonderful...hardly had to wait for rides or attarctions. I was curious...
  2. S

    The Carousel of Progress?

    Good to hear that the CoP is open all the time... Last time I was there it was on seasonal status and I didn't get to show my kids. That will be one of our first stops this time. We will be there the 19-27 too.
  3. S

    Why was the week after Thanksgiving so Crowded?

    My family was there last year the 3-10 of December and it was more crowded than I thought it was going to be. There were a bunch of Pop Warner Cheerleader and Football Groups there.
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